Path of Exile: Affliction Teasers

auction house when?
QoL? to a very very minor level maybe. I'm going to hold my applause until the stash trash is unveiled. what's that GGG? people will accidentally delete good stuff and the help line will melt down? 1) lol and b) the trash can empties when you log out. windows figured that out in v3.1 or something.
dang yo
Aaaand it's here!
"For we are not now that strength, which in old days moved Earth and Heaven. That which we are, we are; one equal strength of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will: to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield." - Ulysses, Tennyson
yourDudeness wrote:
QoL? to a very very minor level maybe. I'm going to hold my applause until the stash trash is unveiled. what's that GGG? people will accidentally delete good stuff and the help line will melt down? 1) lol and b) the trash can empties when you log out. windows figured that out in v3.1 or something.

One thing to consider is that teasers aren't made by Bex anymore since she left GGG.

So the new teaser format is different. And it seems the real teasers now are the hidden things in the pictures in the background. i.e. the flask and the character name scypher.
heil_mods_ wrote:
Interesting flask you have there, I don't think I saw that before.
That's a tincure related to the new ascendency.
nice :o
MLGonthorian wrote:
Why remove Metamorph?

Removing Perandus was a mistake

Removing Prophecy and Metamoprh especially were mistakes.

Prophecy allowed you to modify your maps in a somewhat deterministic way. Frogs, rats, tempests.

Perandus gave you a chance to get a unique deterministically.

Metamorph gave you more challenging mobs that you can get in a map and gave you an extra boss you can fight on top of another boss you can fight later with combining the pieces.

Removing alt gems from Heist makes no sense either. Like, why? Legitimately, why? They can't keep it on top of adding new content?

There is no reason to remove previous content considering the engine CAN handle it and the devs stated multiple times that it can. Runescape for instance has content that is still in the game that was released back in 1998.

The whole "league popularity" argument makes no sense either and sounds like another easy cop-out reason to remove content.

Like I legitimately don't understand these decisions. It's not content bloat, this is just an easy cop-out way for you to remove more content that your team would have to keep track of in upcoming updates.

This post makes you sound so incredibly entitled. They are removing outdated leagues that the majority ignore to offer better things instead. There is no point keeping something that basically noone wants to do in the game, like metamorph.

The new skill gem system is to make different gems actually feel different instead of just one being outright superior. More identity which is 100x better than alt qualities where you just had to pay heist tax for an objectively better gem in most cases.

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