Change price setting hotkey for public tabs

Please change the hotkey for price setting in public tabs from Right Click to Shift + Right Click (or some other hotkey).

The change is small, but will reenable normal Right Click use, which lets players use crafting currencies straight from a tab. The change won't overwrite any existing hotkey (as far as I know).

As it is, it's unnecessarily cumbersome to apply currency items if you've made your currency stash tab public.
Let each player choose which version of PoE to play:
Last bumped on May 14, 2024, 1:06:19 AM
That's actually a great idea. I have always been annoyed with the behaviour of public tabs for that reason
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Yeah, I will agree I get annoyed by this. Then I'll make my tab private and then forget to turn it back on after I'm finished crafting, then find out a day later.
shift click or double right click for setting the prices, any way I'm fine probably. I am annoyed by this so much I'm not setting my crafting/currency tabs public
Why not a button " price" then clic on the item/currency you wanna sell ?
I agree with this suggestion.
Celd wrote:
shift click or double right click for setting the prices, any way I'm fine probably. I am annoyed by this so much I'm not setting my crafting/currency tabs public

Selling thousands of alts/chromes/jewellers/fusings for divines is a pain if you need to move them to another tab to price them.
GGG, please post when you add this to the to do list, so I can stop bumping this modest QoL suggestion.
Let each player choose which version of PoE to play:
And properly documents the changes/improvements. I do not play every leagues and read every patch notes, so there's always shit-ton of changes that provide QoL that i don't even know about until randomly stumbled on a reddit post or saw it on a random moment in yt videos.

Cant imagine why this is still a thing in 2024.
Why can't I bump this thread?
It's been about 70 hours since the last bump.
Let each player choose which version of PoE to play:

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