November 2023 Events

I'm also disappointed there's no Endless Delve this year. It was starting to become a seasonal tradition.
Will probably take a break during the event period as usual. Have fun folks!
IGN: JerleNecroDD/JerleNecroRuthless
Harvest is the BEST league EVER. Deterministic crafting ftw.
How many league/core supporter packs in a year when POE1 & 2 coexist?
these events are so fun!
massive L, sorry

krangled passive event doesnt really sound interesting. people will look at the tree and find something decent, then everyone will copy

no one wants to play kalandra for the second time

no hc is just unbelievable

shifting stones is just... what we have in the league?
Last edited by auspexa on Oct 25, 2023, 1:24:44 AM
do we get guaranteed MTX just for participating?
Blast from the Past, I have booked the week off work, let's go!
Had myself hyped for the non-voided events, then realised they're not SSF :(
Love event #2 and #3, 10/10, A+, will play.

But I am baffled by the Krangled event. The other events have cool stuff happen, but this is just the core game, but worse.

You cannot plan anything, and you are punished for making choices you cannot see the consequences of.

You are punished for starting the event at launch before the community makes a map of the passives. You can even pick the wrong starting class, as you have no idea what they start near.

You can't just make the game worse in a 7 day event, there has to be some incentive or fun thing.

I was chomping at the bit to start playing again, but this as the first event has really dampened the hype for me.

I hope other players see the fun in this event, otherwise this is a massive wasted opportunity. It's a skip from me.
Group play abusers are gonna be happy to grab about 70% of the pool. Classic

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