Harvest gambling, boss bypassing and casino mentality

Harvest divination card gamble: an actual intented duping mechanic, why and how is that still in the game?
It really cheapens the actual gaming experience and the game as a whole, nothing that drops is exciting anymore, headhunter/mb/nimis etc drops used to mean something, now we are literally printing them with gambling. In the cases of boss drops its even worse, first you made divination cards to bypass the boss drop and with the dupe you stop even doing the boss. Not to mention the gambling addiction and what that means for your game.

You fixed many "problematic" harvest interactions and yet this toxic, actually degenerate gambling craft is still in?

Btw speaking of bypassing boss fights for their drops, in HC ancestor there are literally more voidborn reliquary key Hateforge and Mahuxotl's items than actual drops from the Trialmaster, how is that even something you are ok with? Cant you see the harmful casino mentality ?

Actually dissapointing state, even if the game besides those and some other matters is still superb.
Inundated with cockroaches, I am

https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1609216 - labyrinth rework ideas/suggestions
Last bumped on Jul 5, 2024, 6:54:43 AM
this makes no sense.
Regulator wrote:

Btw speaking of bypassing boss fights for their drops, in HC ancestor there are literally more voidborn reliquary key Hateforge and Mahuxotl's items than actual drops from the Trialmaster, how is that even something you are ok with? Cant you see the harmful casino mentality ?

pretty simple, it's cause nobody bothers to run that shit for the items since they are simply undesired this league.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Oct 10, 2023, 5:16:24 PM
lmao what even is this thread?

Does OP seriously not know that there's a very good chance of you LOSING those cards? It's not a guaranteed successful duping system, my dude.
Cutedog lost 6 mirrors worth of house of mirror cards it was amazing.

OP should do the same

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on Oct 27, 2023, 10:59:28 AM
lmao what even is this thread?

Does OP seriously not know that there's a very good chance of you LOSING those cards? It's not a guaranteed successful duping system, my dude.

I think they just want to kill the last good thing Harvest has since there's no other reason to use it. :P
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
I'm with OP here, and I actually laugh at all the stupid attempts of ridicule him, as all of those attempts are missing the point by a mile.

First off; I like the idea of certain items being very rare. There should be carrots in the game, both short term carrots and long term carrots.

What I don't necessarily like, is instead of increasing the drop rates of some of these items a TINY bit - or to make them more deterministic, they introduce secondary gambling mechanics as another way of obtaining it. That itself is not really a problem. It only becomes a problem when a majority of those rare/iconic weapons in the economy comes from secondary gambling sources and not plain drops.

But hey, a lot of ARPGs have had gambling mechanics throughout the years, and we all know the psychology behind dopamine. It's powerful stuff - and somewhat integral to the genre in many ways. But it's all about how they choose to implement it.

Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Phrazz wrote:
I'm with OP here, and I actually laugh at all the stupid attempts of ridicule him, as all of those attempts are missing the point by a mile.

First off; I like the idea of certain items being very rare. There should be carrots in the game, both short term carrots and long term carrots.

What I don't necessarily like, is instead of increasing the drop rates of some of these items a TINY bit - or to make them more deterministic, they introduce secondary gambling mechanics as another way of obtaining it. That itself is not really a problem. It only becomes a problem when a majority of those rare/iconic weapons in the economy comes from secondary gambling sources and not plain drops.

But hey, a lot of ARPGs have had gambling mechanics throughout the years, and we all know the psychology behind dopamine. It's powerful stuff - and somewhat integral to the genre in many ways. But it's all about how they choose to implement it.

Those items are still carrots on the stick or you know someone selling Mageblood or Nimis cheap?

If Harvest gamba was printing items, prices would plummet. Yet they are very high. I'm even assuming that card gamble is rigged for the "house" by few %.
If Harvest gamba was printing items...

I'm not saying it is.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.

Those items are still carrots on the stick or you know someone selling Mageblood or Nimis cheap?

If Harvest gamba was printing items, prices would plummet. Yet they are very high. I'm even assuming that card gamble is rigged for the "house" by few %.

It's actually almost exactly fair, minus the cost of the harvest juice you'll be spending. By which I mean if you have 3/5 apothecary cards, you've got a 60% chance of converting it into a Mageblood (assuming infinite attempts) and a 40% chance of ending up with nothing. But that still means that if every single card dropped were gambled (which, by the way, is an INSANE expectation to have), you'd expect the end result to be NO CHANGE in the net cards available. That is, for every card generated another was destroyed, plus or minus some small deviation due to RNG.

The suggestion that most of the rare cards in circulation are coming from harvest gambling is absolutely laughable. You're saying that the average gambler beats the spread more than 2 out of every 3 attempts, and yet somehow this has no impact on Mageblood or yellow harvest juice prices.

And for what it's worth: everyone I bought apothecary cards from this league was running Crimson Temple when I contacted them on a MF build.


So even if you decide to disregard common sense, basic math, economics, and any understanding of statistics, just using your eyes and LOOKING AT THE PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY HAVE THESE CARDS FOR SALE will rip holes in OPs case.

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