Game settings suddenly not being respected by PS4 client


The game client is no longer allowing me to change the settings from the main menu before logging into the game on PS4. This happened rather suddenly as it was fine when I initially started playing. I played for about 2 hours, logged out of the game and shut it down to go do something else and then came back about an hour later and restarted it. I could not get into the options from the main menu (as I knew something was wrong because I had the music turned completely down before I logged off and it was on when I restarted the game), so I logged into the game and then went into the options to find everything reset and I am unable to uncheck the 'Reset sound' setting. I tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling it but that did not help.
Last edited by BroadbandDrifter on Oct 1, 2023, 11:17:58 PM
Last bumped on Oct 5, 2023, 8:31:07 PM
Exactly the same experience for me on PS5, though I'm waiting for the reinstall right now.
steross_4 wrote:
Exactly the same experience for me on PS5, though I'm waiting for the reinstall right now.

This is utterly ridiculous. None of this was happening before the update. Now it's non-stop problems.
+1 to the above
+Sockets on objects disappeared
Also my speed of movement on maps has increased)
steross_4 wrote:
Exactly the same experience for me on PS5, though I'm waiting for the reinstall right now.

This is utterly ridiculous. None of this was happening before the update. Now it's non-stop problems.


As if playing this game on console wasn't already a bastardized, miserable experience...
I tried the reinstall, but no luck fixing it for me either.
steross_4 wrote:
Exactly the same experience for me on PS5, though I'm waiting for the reinstall right now.

This is utterly ridiculous. None of this was happening before the update. Now it's non-stop problems.


As if playing this game on console wasn't already a bastardized, miserable experience...

So I suppose GGG's just going to let console limp along into the next season like this? Pretty sure if this was a problem with MTXs it would have been fixed immediately.
All my settings got reset too, including map transparency settings, which I had just like I wanted.
Same here on ps5. Had several setting to my liking including map zoom so i dont use overlay, bloom, screen shake, etc... and i dont want to update the setting every day that i play the game... ggg pls fix. im also grying to reinstall but someone said it didnt work
this is the 2nd or 3rd time recently it re-setted all of my settings

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