[3.24]g00fy_goober's Poison SRS Necromancer (Easily Clear All Content)


Thanks a lot for the build and the guide, wanted to play a minion build for a while and there any not many endgame/bosser minion guides out there. Really enjoying it so far.

A question - in the pob you refer to poison vs non-poison endgame. At what point do you switch to poison and what does it practically mean? Is there any checklist that you should tick first before switching to poison?

Another question - in the pob Generosity is linked to the Summon Stone Golem. From the description and supported skills tooltip it implies that it doesn't interact with the Golem or it skills. What am I missing?

Last edited by barduck on May 10, 2024, 10:41:26 AM
barduck wrote:

Thanks a lot for the build and the guide, wanted to play a minion build for a while and there any not many endgame/bosser minion guides out there. Really enjoying it so far.

A question - in the pob you refer to poison vs non-poison endgame. At what point do you switch to poison and what does it practically mean? Is there any checklist that you should tick first before switching to poison?

Another question - in the pob Generosity is linked to the Summon Stone Golem. From the description and supported skills tooltip it implies that it doesn't interact with the Golem or it skills. What am I missing?


So non-poison is pretty much a leaguestart thing. Psn takes a bit more currency and stuff as you have to get your poison chance to like 100%. As long as you can afford the united in dream and get 1-2 basic abyss jewels with poison chance you should definitely be doing full poison.

Generosity does not apply to the stone golem, You can do unlinked fine just mine was already linked so I left it.
Hello. I am trying to figure out y i am only getting half the dps you are.. any help would be great thanks!

Last edited by xFaKx on Jun 14, 2024, 9:36:01 PM

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