Build of the Week Season 12 - Episode 1 - CaptainLance9’s Rakiata’s Dance Spectral Throw Guardian

sirgog wrote:
maxtraxv3 wrote:
please show off build with way less mechanics, this is a nightmare.

Build of the Week is always complex, mostly because it's only very experienced players looking for a new build each week.

Build for this feel?
sirgog wrote:
maxtraxv3 wrote:
please show off build with way less mechanics, this is a nightmare.

Build of the Week is always complex, mostly because it's only very experienced players looking for a new build each week.

so this is for streamers then?
what a cool way to gain suppress and block, really love this crative things
sirgog wrote:
maxtraxv3 wrote:
please show off build with way less mechanics, this is a nightmare.

Build of the Week is always complex, mostly because it's only very experienced players looking for a new build each week.

It will convert your forum titles into decorative square badges that use the space next to your forum posts more economically so that you can show off an unlimited number of them at any one time. - GGG, 2018 (
Pretty interesting build <3
"For we are not now that strength, which in old days moved Earth and Heaven. That which we are, we are; one equal strength of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will: to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield." - Ulysses, Tennyson
Keep up BotW, always nice to see new and also some neche builds, love to get new ideas.
no thanks
I think you can do a dumb version of this build.
Pick a guardian. Pick any node with elemental damage. Pick a 2h weapon, staffs have block chance and crits. Pick elemental inversion mastery. If you can stack Heralds that is good. And we are getting a litle more armour.
Nightmare jewels are neat so we keep them.
Dear God less streamers please. What avenue doesn't have them shoe horned into when the community COULD be involved instead?

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