Performance since the latest patch is bad

Alexander_GGG wrote:
We have a potential improvement for this ready.
It should be included in the next console patch.

great news thank you
Why did y’all launch this league patch without testing it ever.
Yep, getting worse as I play. Really disappointing.
Well since the last post got removed for "negativity",it's wonderful how hard you try to improve the game performance,the last patches were a massive success in reducing the amount of freezes and crashes within the game but sadly it still freezes every single instance.
You did wonderful though and I hope you keep pushing out such wonderful updates.
Game run better in synthesis league having 3fps in maps
Alexander_GGG wrote:
We have a potential improvement for this ready.
It should be included in the next console patch.

On PS4 no problems, ONLY on ps5.
Alexander_GGG wrote:
We have a potential improvement for this ready.
It should be included in the next console patch.

ETA? Because the crashes make this game absolutely unplayable.
An ETA would be nice, like is the patch coming out today or after a week or so?
It's gotten worse for me since yesterday. As soon as I hit maps, it began freezing once per map. Sometimes it recovers (I'm usually dead once it does). Other times it disconnects back to the login screen.
I've been playing on aps4 with absolutely no issues till the league update, now textures are missing and sometimes there's 2 of me or an enemy, as well as fucked up sound and dialogs, I really hope this patch applies to ps4 as well.

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