Performance since the latest patch is bad

Since this most recent patch on playstation 5, it's a pretty night and day difference.

I've frozen more times in the past couple of hours messing around in standard than I did in all of crucible. Screen freezes and I just close app and restart, it never made it to the crash error screen.

It's also looking very choppy while doing non-juiced maps, just normal alc and go maps is all I did. Like squares popping around similar to what a really juiced ritual looks like. The graphics kinda seem worse too for some reason.

We had it pretty good on PS5, like please don't do this. We went through the whole ps4 situation with blue screen deaths non-stop and it really sucked. Now with PS5 we had it good for a while but now we have to go back to trash?

please fix
Last bumped on Aug 25, 2023, 1:27:10 AM
The same issue here.

Since the patch this morning game crashes every 15 minutes or so.

Please fix!
"Bad" isn't a strong enough word to describe it.

Super long freezes once ever 30 minutes or so? Maybe more. (Super long = 30 seconds or longer)

And, if you don't wait for the freeze to end (by force-quitting the game), then you can't log back in for a while (30 seconds? 1 minute?).

Hardcore gameplay is 100% out of the question right now. You are definitely going to die from one of these freezes.
Last edited by QQPQ on Aug 23, 2023, 3:41:26 PM
QQPQ wrote:
"Bad" isn't a strong enough word to describe it.

Super long freezes once ever 30 minutes or so? Maybe more. (Super long = 30 seconds or longer)

And, if you don't wait for the freeze to end (by force-quitting the game), then you can't log back in for a while (30 seconds? 1 minute?).

Hardcore gameplay is 100% out of the question right now. You are definitely going to die from one of these freezes.

Thats why they made race in non hc ssf
"Fix it soon becaise beong locked out of my wealth and my character puts a hold on me trading and bartering to increase my wealth" - Nameless Forum Poster.
Unplayable for me, Loose all my portals to logouts :(
So now what, wait for poe2 to hope it's better?
Playing on ps5 as worked very good before this big patch, tried to reinstall game aswell to no help at all... Game "freeze" and log out if too much happening (And I have not pushed it too much either)
I think it's due to downloading the shaders! Performance will improve over time.
Alan Leonardo Piovesan
Guess I'm not alone. Playing on PS5 through extended HD for PS4 games and game keeps freezing and crashing. Driving me insane! Shouting out to devs of this game...PLEASE FIX!!!
We have a potential improvement for this ready.
It should be included in the next console patch.
Alexander_GGG wrote:
We have a potential improvement for this ready.
It should be included in the next console patch.

That's great to hear!

Thanks for letting us know.
My freezes today happen mostly when i flamedash, it freezes up till i get an unexpected error occured. the zone is still working, so it should be client side.

NVM, since i wrote that, i froce 2 times without flamedash, cant even kill alira without crashing... Gonna reinstall and hope it helps.
Last edited by Filix80 on Aug 23, 2023, 9:49:25 PM

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