3.22 Performance

Appears to be Windows 11 related -

Tested with 4 machines.

Issue: While on DirectX 11 the game slows to a crawl and eventually locks up completely, requiring you to open task manager and close the exe. We all switched to Vulkan and the game runs now but when the action gets heavy enough, most of the textures disappear. We see large purple spots on the ground. To contrast, we tested on 2 windows 10 machines, on Vulkan, and they are running as intended.

On DirectX 11 - the LATENCY will start rolling up and up and up. It will go as high as 10,000 before disconnecting or crashing. Whereas on Vulkan, minor latency spikes lead to aforementioned missing textures.

One of the Windows 10 machines is in the same house, using the same internet as a Windows 11 machine listed below.

- OS: Windows 10.
Machine 1:
- 12700k CPU, 16 gigs of ram, MSI 3080 ti

Machine 2:
- Ryzen 5 5600, 32 gigs of ram, EVGA 3070

- OS: Windows 11.
Machine 1:
- 12900k CPU, 32 gigs of ram, MSI 3080 ti

Machine 2:
- 12900ks CPU, 64 gigs of ram, EVGA 3080 ti

Machine 3:
- 12900kf CPU, 32 gigs of ram, MSI 4070 ti

Machine 4:
- Ryzen 5 5600, 16 gigs of ram, MSI 3080 ti
What worked for me was DISABLE multihreading. dx11/12 made no difference. CPU was all over the place before, now it is pretty consistantly 20-25ms. i7-3770 on w10 rx480. gpu, latency 8-9 ms
4970k 4.5 OC, 1060 can only play by burning my pc with c-states off.
Turning multithreading off isnt an option, even tho it fixes super spiky cpu latency, overall perfomance in juiced content suffers a lot.
Can we finally do something about that GGG, it was buttery smooth before this goddamn particle patch?
Last edited by Moonlight666X on Oct 13, 2023, 9:25:19 PM
ryzen 5600
gtx 1080
16gb ram

Last league could play 60fps Ultra while mapping
Now this league i literally have to put the game on LOWEST possible settings. I mean LOWEST.
All low graphics
Dynamic res on 30fps
Dynamic culling on
Sound channels LOW, no reverb

Every possible thing on Minimum
Guess what?
I still frequently drop to 30fps while mapping and the game looks like total crap.
What the heck is going on? Its impossible to get anywhere near 60fps now playing this game!

Plz help me understand why suddenly this league my computer just cant run the game anymore..
Having the exact same issues mentioned by Lordleech, but I'm using Windows 10. Granted my systems is older.
Intel Core i7 9700K 4.7GHz
NVidia GeForce RTX 2070 Super, driver latest update
Mainboard Gigabyte Z390
Windows 10 latest update

With that being said, we apologise for the frustration these problems have been causing you. We also suffer from the same problems when we get home after work and play PoE,

To be honest this one ruins impression from otherwise very nice response. If you've ever developed a videogame for a long time, with struggles and overtime jobs along the way, it is not humanly possible to "play" this same game in your spare time and feel any immersion in it.

So when Mr. Wilson or other GGG employees tell how they love playing poe and thus know what their ordinary players feel and experience, this is just PR trick. They do run test game sessions like job, but really doubt they actually grind it for progression.
Last edited by Echothesis on Oct 15, 2023, 8:57:55 AM
Echothesis wrote:

With that being said, we apologise for the frustration these problems have been causing you. We also suffer from the same problems when we get home after work and play PoE,

To be honest this one ruins impression from otherwise very nice response. If you've ever developed a videogame for a long time, with struggles and overtime jobs along the way, it is not humanly possible to "play" this same game in your spare time and feel any immersion in it.

So when Mr. Wilson or other GGG employees tell how they love playing poe and thus know what their ordinary players feel and experience, this is just PR trick. They do run test game sessions like job, but really doubt they actually grind it for progression.

To be fair, I definitely want GGG to stick to reasonable work hours and schedules as much as possible. Crunch happens, I know, I've done it too, but it's best to keep it to a minimum.
So, assuming the work hours at GGG are reasonable, they may very well be occasionally playing the game after work.
Developers certainly can play games, what I meant was trying to play the same game you disassemble and fix every day. Would you play poe if you had access to test server with all the debug commands for editing character attributes, spawning items, mobs?

Even without "cheating", knowing how game bowels work already kills all player immersion. You know how lootrates work, what skills still have publicly unknown bugs, and know that whatever cool item you'd grind, you could have instead spawned it directly from console.

Testers and QA is another matter, they are not code monkeys and can look at the game from average Joe's perspective. But when someone as deep as engine developer writes how he plays poe after work, I just not buy it until seeing with my own eyes :) These guys probably cannot stand to look at that engine by now, with all negative feedback pouring down on them.
Also it seams like dynamic resolution is not working anymore? not on Vulkan nor Dx12 never tried on Dx11 because it's really messed up with the cpu latency spikes everytime it tries to cache shaders, tried to reset the config file, verify the files everything is good but still is not working as it used to be the resolution never down scale, latest Nvidia driver 537.58 not sure if that driver version would matter.
Echothesis wrote:
Developers certainly can play games, what I meant was trying to play the same game you disassemble and fix every day. Would you play poe if you had access to test server with all the debug commands for editing character attributes, spawning items, mobs?

Even without "cheating", knowing how game bowels work already kills all player immersion. You know how lootrates work, what skills still have publicly unknown bugs, and know that whatever cool item you'd grind, you could have instead spawned it directly from console.

Testers and QA is another matter, they are not code monkeys and can look at the game from average Joe's perspective. But when someone as deep as engine developer writes how he plays poe after work, I just not buy it until seeing with my own eyes :) These guys probably cannot stand to look at that engine by now, with all negative feedback pouring down on them.

Considering the complexity of PoE, I doubt anyone ever interacts with the whole game. Far more likely, each developer has their own area or several, and that's what they know quite well, but when it's all combined into the final product it's not like they can imagine exactly the code being executed.

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