Please, need ability to switch between Controller and Keyboard/Mouse

I had never played POE with controller so in this league I thought I'd try it.

Very nice... until I tried to do anything with inventory or gems etc...

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Why on earth did they make you leave the game to switch between kb/m and controller. They should both just work... like everyother game that does this.

I would hate to be on console... the controller support for inventory is near unusable.
Last edited by Jenn_GGG on Mar 30, 2024, 7:03:28 AM
+1 on this. I play with Controller because of RSI Problems but trading, rolling maps and some other things are just better wit M+K.

We are in 2024, I don't understand how you need to have two separate modes instead of beeing able to switch on the fly.
+1 on this too! I would very much like a seamless transition between M+K and Controller as well - to be able to switch in-game rather than jumping back to main menu.

Being able to also separately save hotkeys/key bindings between M+K and Controller would be nice too. It seems that my hotkeys get messed up when I switch from M+K --> Controller or Controller --> M+K.
As a disabled player this is my number one wished for feature. However, we've been asking for this since controllers were implemented and it seems the request simply gets ignored by GGG everytime.

Lost hope in them ever implementing this in POE 1.
+1 for visibility.

I cannot play KB+M anymore these type of games. But with controller I able to. I gave a try in other ARPG where I could play with controller and seamlessly use KB+M while in town. It worked so wonderful and I cannot think other way of playing this game if you suffer from hands coz of intensive mouse clicking.
Please GGG still hoping for this
Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night...I can feel my leg.
I would very much enjoy this feature as someone who also suffers from RSI.
Just got back into playing again with Settlers of Kalguur release and instantly remembered why I quit last time. How does this game still not switch automatically between controller and keyboard/mouse in real time?! Regardless, I'll be sticking with the game longer this time and simply deal with it, but oof is it ever inconvenient. I prefer controller for combat, and I like keyboard/mouse for all the management aspects of the game and getting more info through tooltips as needed. Well, here's holding out hope that this QoL update happens eventually.
GGG please. ANY response on this would be appreciated.

There's lots of us who would love to be able to use controller input and switch to mouse/keyboard for inventory management. D4 does it. Last Epoch does it. Surely it's time for PoE to do it too?

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