Content Update 3.22.0 -- Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors

Milleuda wrote:
Could anyone please provide a clarification, what means that "Hidden Blade has no cooldown"? Procs are bound to attack speed?

It's probably so you can dual wield them and have 2 procs. There's still the Trigger Level 20 Unseen Strike every 0.5 seconds while Phasing. but there is no internal cooldown anymore.
jimhoward555 wrote:
Controlled Blaze: Supports melee attack skills, providing them with a chance to Ignite. For each Ignite inflicted with the Skill recently, it deals less Damage but more Ignite Damage.

can we get more information about this support gem?

You can still ignite even if the enemy already had an ignite. Only the biggest ignite does damage though.

So max attack speed so you can ignite more often.

Gem numbers are usually revealed near the league start, like 1/2 days before.

p.s. Razor of the Seventh Sun behave the same. "Recover 1% of Life when you Ignite an Enemy" you still recover life even if the enemy has an ignite on it.
QcGreywolf wrote:
I miss new skills. One of my favorite things to do was doing a league start with whatever sub-optimal skill they released and make it shine!

You can always use a skill you never use and mix it with the new support gems to create a new gameplay.

I'm going either Consecrated Path or Wild Strike fire ignite and trying the chieftain.
Looking forward to this patch already got my vacation in. I really appreciate the new approach of balancing through skills, items and league mechanics rather than the flat changes to skill percentages. Each league since you've started doing this we've had more build diveristy than ever. I find myself making 4-5 characters per league recently just to try all the new items and combinations.

We got lots of new gems, tons of new items, lots of league mechanic features with tattoo's and various items that effect passive tree. No telling what the meta will be this league, but I'm thinking melee is getting some good loving. I noticed in the trailer the unique art was showing and I seen a juicy 2 hander in there let's hope it's pog. One more week of work and we dive into poe cant' wait.
How does the new Sacrifice support interact with triggered spells? Mostly curious if it will work with the Atziri's Rule unique staff.

Excited to play the new league!
GGG why are the ascendancies for chieftain and guardian nearly 100% identical in ruthless and standard league.

Is that why they suck?

Is that going to be the case with every rework going forward?
The patch notes is your normal patch like the past couple of leagues.
Just ignore the ruthless portion if you are no t interested in ruthless.

Also should mention, ruthless has like 1 or 2 guys developing it.
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Added a new Atlas Keystone Passive Skill, The Seventh Gate, which grants "All possible League Map Crafting Options are Available while six Gateways are Allocated".

What does this mean, i have 1 try to play map with all these mods, or what does this mean?
Need the skill gem info NOW! Only 6 days left to plan some Locus Mine options
Update EVERY ascendancy in Ruthless. Too lazy to update skill gems.

Why are they so out of touch with what would improve POE.

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