[3.24]Herald of Agony CI -The dirty Scorpion-tail|2M EHP|Minion-Pathfinder|50-200M|Inbuilt Mageblood

i really like the whole build and idea etc and i will give it a try to league start.. gotta say i struggle a bit to read from the guide kinda step by step upgrades to gear once i reached maps and how to best go in order to buy specific items to scale but i hope i will manage.
Do you still used United in Dream?
Daftstyle wrote:
i really like the whole build and idea etc and i will give it a try to league start.. gotta say i struggle a bit to read from the guide kinda step by step upgrades to gear once i reached maps and how to best go in order to buy specific items to scale but i hope i will manage.

Yeah it's definitely a lot for me to read at once, I imagine I will get kind of confused and have to spitball some stuff, but there is a lot of info and a lot of wiggle room if you can meet the bare minimums. It's definitely a fun progression- you can clear stuff to start, and then to upgrade to endgame requires tons of steps and currency, good season-long effort.
Chromino wrote:
lormdoep wrote:
sry for asking but can you leaguestart with this one?

It's by far not the best leaguestarter or racer. Helmet enchant, circles of nostalgia, clusters are needed to improve at some point and aegis aurora is high expensive in the first days of league.

Please take a look in "pro" and "contra" and in the "tipps for levelling" for faster starting with caustic arrow, toxic rain etc.

There are better leaguestarters out there when you are not experienced with auras and clusters.

On the other side - when you really have the knowhow about scaling up the HoA-damage, managing the manareservations for auras, about some crafting and farming the first chaos-orbs and divines, HoA also works already with 2 links in juiced red t16 because it scales great with pure agony-clusters, curses and withers.
Solo-leaderboard ranks 1 in the guardian-ascendancy were reached often after the first days. Or Balaar raced as Hoa-guardian faster as with almost all other skills some time ago.

ok thank you
All levelling trees are optimized!

With the first minion-mastery Ravenous Horde and the first wither-ascendancy Nature's reprisal HoA is already fast crawling and levelling!

Clusters and levelling-gear are already extreme cheap in trade!

Here we sting:

Last edited by Chromino on Apr 8, 2023, 6:40:23 AM
Chromino wrote:
All levelling trees are optimized!

With the first minion-mastery Ravenous Horde and the first wither-ascendancy Nature's reprisal HoA is already fast crawling and levelling!

Clusters and levelling-gear are already extreme cheap in trade!

Here we sting:


Just for the info: CA with Pierce is broken - it doesn't spawn caustic ground on the first target anymore, only at the end of projectile path. Maybe it's just a bug related to piercing/chaining and returning mechanics rework and it'll be fixed later on, I'm not sure, since there was no info about this particular CA mechanics in the patchnotes.
Aaaaanyways it's not a huge deal, 'cause we have Arrow Nova early. Little bit clunkier but still viable to replace Pierce with AN in 1-3 acts (also we have ballistas). And I do mean REPLACE! Don't link them together - that will be totally unplayable mess xD
Oh! And one more thing, guys: that cockroach is just a stupid animal, so bother to find some slot for Convocation to force that virulent bastard do things (not just slack around like he prefers occasionally) xD
Last edited by insteadofme on Apr 8, 2023, 7:12:49 AM
MonkiGW2 wrote:
I'm looking forward to playing HoAG again. Last time I did we used memory Vault and Whakatutuki o Matua with shaper's touch. I agree, with Pathfinder I think it's going to be a really great version.

Hehehe, Arachnophilia! I wish you a stingy time with the crawler!

HoA was buffed 3 leagues in a row, now the lvl-tipping points fit and with much delirium-passives on the atlas the clusters are cheap and a pleasure to build in. The former never seen helmet-mana-lab-enchant is fixed too.

And there is one of the old HoA imba-stats announced in the cruicible-trees again: the virulences decay 30% slower, like 3.08, yeaah.
Last edited by Chromino on Apr 8, 2023, 5:31:01 PM
Where are you getting proximity shields from
TeaAddict wrote:
Where are you getting proximity shields from

Do you mean the (divergent) frostshields? Frostshield is best for facetanking in levelling.
Last edited by Chromino on Apr 9, 2023, 4:32:35 PM

1. how do you sustain mana without manaflask ?
edit: 1. nvm, i cant use yet "cast while channeling".
Selfcasting storm brand and burst for now - my mana is ok. Maybe it fixes later on.

2. the tree "Levelling lvl90, all auras enabled" which item set fits to it ? Lvl80-90 Mapping or "rare gloves" ? Just orienting, when to switch to ci.
Last edited by 2letterz on Apr 9, 2023, 4:13:41 PM

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