BDS - US/EU - English - Adult Casual

-No requirements of playtime or experience
-Small group of folks, no hundreds of people
-Discord for voice and text chat
-Samuel L. Jackson - English, do you speak it?!
-Fairly laid back and easy going

Rocco and I have been looking for a guild to suit us and we have had no luck in finding one, so we decided to make one. He is in Europe. I am in the US. We both speak English and would prefer to keep it to that if possible.

The idea is pretty much to have a casual yet active small group of folks to play with and talk to. We'll be using Discord for voice and text in addition to the in-game channels. There won't really be any sort of mandatory playing time nor any sort of experience requirement. Also we do not plan on having 389475 members and ideally will keep this small and more of a tighter knit type of group. Super elitests need not apply.

If you are interested PM me on Discord - OIIIIIIIO#5709 or...

You can get at Rocco:
AttemptedToRocco (Character)
Rocco#6850 (Discord)

Or, (new and improved) just hop in our Discord and wait for one of us to be available:

Edit 2/7: We have a pretty good core and going to be more selective about who we bring in at this point. That isn't to say nobody can join. Just that people will now need to mesh with the group we already have established and that will take some time. Feel free to join the Discord and chat/play with us. We'll still help folks. Just that membership isn't really super easy to get anymore.
Last edited by OIIIIIIIO on Feb 7, 2023, 7:48:02 PM
Last bumped on Feb 7, 2023, 7:49:49 PM
Thanks for the invite! Love the guild :) Also: bump!
If you are interested in joining our tight knit community and OIIIIIIIIO is busy/afk atm, feel free to contact me in-game or on discord @

AttemptedToRocco (Character)
Rocco#6850 (Discord)
Edited the top post with Discord info and to add Rocco's contact info in addition to mine. Spent some time running 5ways tonight together and had some fun. Come hang with us. :)
I joined the guild yesterday and they really are a bunch of nice and chill people. Nothing too hardcore, so perfect for me as I have a FT job and a family.
Good to have you Anno. Glad you are enjoying yourself. Thanks for joining and all the help you've given to me and the others.
We are still looking for a few fresh faces to join us, no matter where you're from or your skill-level.

As long as you're active, and you join the gang on discord

I cannot stress this enough, we are not looking to make another 100+ members who sit quietly and raid the clan-stash and want that from the game.

Welcome to contact me or OIIIIIIIO
Just joined the guild. Everyone here has been very friendly and super helpful for a noob like me.

Anyone would be lucky to be here!
Last edited by MkDdZZzAfZ on Nov 2, 2023, 6:13:12 AM

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