Happy New Year! A 2022 Retrospective

We removed ultra widescreen support, and gave a lame excuse why.
We added Archnemesis to the game.
We removed Archnemesis from the game.
We introduced the Kirac Vault Pass

Hopefully we see "We removed the Kirac Vault Pass" in 2023.

I'd love to see "We added the ability to upgrade 4 tabs into 1 Quad tab" in 2023.
Ascension tied to Lab is the worst thing GGG has done...apart from GGG's philosophy on Trading. Oh and Gambling Loot boxes. And selling out to tencent.

I used to love GGG. I supported to ensure GGG remained independent, now I just wish I could get my money back. -_-
Last edited by Chameleon on Jan 1, 2023, 10:01:43 PM
its been 10 years since the world ended :)
24.1.2018 [quote="Dro28"]wheres my fragment tab?[/quote]

(I thought that was a joke)

25.1.2018: GGG- Introducing the Fragment Stash Tab!
zeldzioszka wrote:
Fix the challenge "Complete Cartography" since 3 weeks i have 115/115 but in challenge 112/115 , pls fix it !

Did you try /recheck_achievements? That should complete the challenge.
No Royale = No happy year
Happy New Year GGG team! <3
Last edited by freezEpica on Jan 1, 2023, 10:56:32 PM
Chameleon wrote:
We added Archnemesis to the game.
We removed Archnemesis from the game.
We introduced the Kirac Vault Pass

Hopefully we see "We removed the Kirac Vault Pass" in 2023.

I'd love to see "We added the ability to upgrade 4 tabs into 1 Quad tab" in 2023.

Eh, it's not that bad. It would have more value if you could use the skins without requiring the specific items equipped though, just make the bonus visual effects if you have them on or not. (Since we already have staged MTX that change based on character stats/states)

OT; Happy New Years GGG
Happy New Year!
Bad Seed
Happy new year
Happy New Year GGG! :D

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