Happy New Year! A 2022 Retrospective

You forgot a couple:

In 2022:

We made the game unfun.
We made it clear casuals are not welcome in the game.
Happy new Year!
That's a fantastic list, really. The radius of PoE's quality went up by at *least* +2. Happy new year!
And took all our loot haha

Jk still enjoying sanctum
Happy new year!
And still no melee overhaul since Legion. Fun.
Orcasauce wrote:
XeoTech wrote:
We broke 32:9 support for no reason.

The reason was it rendered areas outside the simulation distance, meaning you could easily target enemies that would just stand there with ranged abilities. Increasing the simulation distance is problematic due to the geometrically increasing perf requirements.

I've loved PoE this past year and have played an unhealthy amount despite having a new child!
Happy new year

wetas are swarming the wraeclast, this is a buff
Helluva year!! Had some peoples' favorite league and some peoples' least favorite league. Certainly been a roller coaster and absolutely looking forward to continuing the ride in 2023.

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