Happy Holidays! Get a Free Sanctum Mystery Box!

I haven't received mine yet, been playing for several hours since opening in game shop
I visited the Microtransaction shop in game but I did not received the Box. Do I need to do something else?

Update .... it did arrived. Thank you GGG
Last edited by legnAsirA on Dec 26, 2022, 1:00:44 AM
I did not see any box when i visit microtransaction stash. is this event already ended?
why i cant get the free mystery box?
Merry Christmas!
happy holidays!
cannot redeem. ive opened the in game shop (not shop from poe.com) and it didnt show up in my mtx menu.
Frohe Weihnachten Allen!
Merry Christmas to all!

Danke für die Box GGG!

Auf ein gutes neues Jahr
no box there, new bug?
Opened up the shop inside the game client, no box has shown up...

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