Happy Holidays! Get a Free Sanctum Mystery Box!

Merry Christmas Everyone!!
Merry Christmas. Nice jebait on the mystery box. You got me. I logged in and got nothing. keep up the good work.
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Look I appreciate this very much and Happy Holidays to you all, but I received nothing upon opening the shop in game. And no there is nothing in the micro stash.
Due to the sheer volume of boxes being delivered, the automatic system that is delivering the boxes is back logged. It can take upwards of 24 hours to get the box. Show some patience, it will come.

If you don't see it after 24 hours, then email support@grindinggear.com.

Edit: I just got mine. I was flagged at roughly 6:30am my time for getting the box and it's now 9. Use that information as you will.
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"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"
Last edited by Aragorn14 on Dec 25, 2022, 9:02:06 AM
Peepega wrote:
it has delay? i dont get the box after open the shop.

Me neither! :(
i logged in and theres no box in my stash there =(
Happy Holidays GGG!
Happy holidays. Fantastic work on the league folks!
all you need to do is to open the in-game shop! The Mystery Box will be automatically added to your account and you'll find it in your Microtransaction Stash.

Well I did and there;s no mystery box to unlock in my Microtransaction page...??!

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