The Forbidden Sanctum Item Filter Update

Borrisladd wrote:
So for silly idiots like me who still make their own filters what parameter does this fit under? putting BaseType "Lycia" or "Invocation" isn't working even though it works with jeweller orbs with just "jeweller"

Class "Stackable Currency"
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart."
Would be nice if we could get a Filter for Heist Contracts/Blueprints for the job type or target etc.

Can we get the coins when we open chests and kill monsters without having to walk over everything?
Just realized I was leaving out 3/4 of the obtainable coins since launch. Big game changer, it's not exactly the most visual experience obtaining coins. Thought they were some on death effect or ground effect and avoided them as much as possible until I accidentally missclicked into a coin pile.
Maybe we don't have to get the coins when we open or kill, but the range in which you can pick them up ought to be increased.
Thank you, Sanc is mostly aite. Although, would like to be able to fuel up and just go for all 4? floors in one sitting than having to break it up. Would flow so much better.

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