The Forbidden Sanctum Challenge Rewards

Last time they gave a armour set, I got only a glove. Sure it is cool they made tiers of achievment, but hope we get some doable stuff as a challenge this time.
Eww, well guess I don't need to worry about challenges. I do like the new challenge rewards having tiers, would be cool if they did a skill effect reward.
Last edited by PatchWorkCat on Dec 5, 2022, 7:22:22 PM
TizeNO wrote:
FreezeR96PL wrote:
Compared to the rewards from the kalandra, these are very weak....

You are joking right?

Weapon Skins, Helm Attachments and Weapon Effects are some of the more sought after MTX.
Esp Helm Attachments. Easily the rarest addition to a collection.

If you're not flooded with all the holy MTX in this game already then I guess it's fine.
Players with plenty in their collection already could probably care less about this.
"Never trust floating women." -Officer Kirac
did you guys ask a medieval knight to design a jaguar warriors outfit?

much as id want to say i love it, it doesnt feel right in design at all...

maybe instead of always bulky full clothed armor sets, start thinking about designen a few light armor/cloth type armors that have exposed skin in the design, like (legs/arms etc)

sometimes less is more.

this challange mtx this time around feels like a "whole lotta bad though" :(

still looking forward to the league mechanic at least.
Personally I prefer MTX that don't obscure my actual gear. Wings, portals, footprints, etc make me more interested than armor. I'm totally fine with not feeling like I need to chug at challenges though; I'd rather let my playtime be completely determined by how much I'm enjoying the league.
NICE.. please let the league be rewarding at launch instead of buffing it 1 month later.
Well, looks like I'm spared from going for challenges twice in a row.
I like these 4-tier challenge rewards.
I am a big fan of portal effects
The ruthless community demands challenges

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