Streamer Interview - Subtractem

I'm a fan of Subtractem. I like his positive attitude his enthusiasm to share game knowledge. I have definitely put his Occultist builds to use! I just need another 100div to get the CoC Forbidden Rite build working properly...
An expert about game-mechanic wise. Keep it up ♥
Great choice! Subtractem has a really refreshing take on PoE, backed by tons of experience and knowledge. You should also interview his cat, Zeus! :)
My man Sub! Good to see you getting highlighted, totally deserve it for all the hard work you put in!
My boy Subtractem is all that is good in the community :D
Cool dude :) I do occasionally follow his content :D
IGN: JerleNecroDD/JerleNecroRuthless
Harvest is the BEST league EVER. Deterministic crafting ftw.
How many league/core supporter packs in a year when POE1 & 2 coexist?
Amazing streamer, amazing content. Also looks like handsome Rick Moranis which is a bonus.
One of the best PoE content creators out there for sure! Very chill and informative guy, gives me a genuine good person vibe. I am glad you did the interview, it was a fun read, I found out several things I didn't know about him.

Do Tenkiei too pls, him and Subtractem I always imagine as being brothers for some reason! 😆
A.k.a. Sinisa / sinisasub85.
One of the best streamers I've come across. Very well deserved recognition by GGG. Can't wait to have more PoE FUN!
Sub is the man, thanks for staying true to yourself. Most of us out here genuinely love this game and Sub is a reflection of that energy!

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