Seasonal Halloween Microtransactions

Once apone a time Games like this, Player (your payers) got a gift for Chrismas or Halloween, any Holyday!!!!
hey could you make an mtx where you take archnemesis out of the game because it's awful and nobody likes it
no witch hat lol
Lab is a chore

Delve / Harbinger / Incursion / Delirium best leagues.
buy them yourself Chris
Pelagoth wrote:
Yet they have a p2w environment, whereas poe doesnt. Next?

That's the lowest possible bar and I'm tired of it being used as a truncheon.

NO ONE plays this game 100% free for long. We're all paying customers. And stash tabs are a thing, and having the economic ability to no lifer this game is objectively an advantage that costs money.

Just because poe isn't getting a direct check doesn't mean anything to me.

Plus, pay to win should include in game currency. The hideout warriors run the show, plus there's a thriving black market of RMT and bots in play here.

So yeah, sure, it's not diablo immortal. But it's not terraria either.

Real tired of basically everything poe does, but there's just nothing like it out there so I have to deal with it or walk.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Where are witch hats and brooms? Succubus tails and small-wings? Scythes?
They all kind of suck lol and are redone. No headless. No rolling head. No walking hand. No Witch hat. Nothing new. OMEGALUL

For such a dark and gothic game honestly, I love the Halloween MTX when they are good. Kind of a ball fumble. 25$ Dying crow aura.. PepeSadge
Well i guess nothing new for this year
IGN RighteousRom LvL-100 Juggernaut
Mirror Drop T-14 Shrine
Romulas19 wrote:
Well i guess nothing new for this year

I really thought as they got closer to Halloween they would add something new. Maybe next year.

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