What to Expect Over the Coming Months

LordOfMidas wrote:
My eagerness to play a new POE league is solely depending on the Challenges Rewards. To me, all the Uber boss, Loot Nerf, Loot Goblins, Archnemesis Mods, League specific mechanics and other new shenanigans are just things that make the journey to getting my Challenge MTX more interesting.

Playing POE just for fun doesn't make any sense to me. There're more games out there that gives me more fun and POE is definitely not of them. POE is supposed to be a Challenging and Grinding game. The recent changes made are heading towards this direction, the vision of the game is the same since I started playing this game.


So you don't care if the game is balanced or fun and you play POE to get a art pixel?
Why would you want to facilitate feedback if said feedback is almost completely ignored? At least that is the feeling I get, especially on these forums. Maybe it is better on Reddit, no idea, I am not going to go there if there is a perfectly fine forum here.

Apart from that, cool, ruthless mode for players that want to grind harder. How about a mode for players that want to grind less hard? Would be cool. Could also be done in Standard league if you don't want to add an additional league.
Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
Ruthless mode. that name gives me shivers. I cant wait to die alot in it. Good stuff. Cant wait to try new league and ruthless mode.
we already play the beta on 3.19
archmeme mods, goblin system, i think i'm out for next beta, bcs i already play before.
Seriska wrote:
I used to spend money on this game because i loved it. And ill do so again in the future when the relationship isnt this abusive.

I hate that i gave the benefit of the doubt, in the past you earned that but now, not the case. Trust broken, status quo changed. Its now more of an business transaction then helping out an old friend.

Its not me, its you that changed.

0 challenges. You didn't even play the game this league and you made your decision. LOL!
You put that AN system in again and I'm still not playing
Ruthless HYPE
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
Ahh, so 3.19 was just a huge "Ruthless" mode public testing and data-gathering phase. Phew, close one!
loudpinks2000 wrote:
0 challenges. You didn't even play the game this league and you made your decision. LOL!

I completed 40 challenges, and I agree with the 0 challenge guy. I purchased a supporter pack before the release of 3.19 and have been regretting it ever since. When it comes to influencing game direction, we can wine and cry until we are blue in the face, but our money is apparently the only vote that really counts. I will never again purchase a supporter pack until I actually know what it is that I'm supporting!

My preferred game mode is HC SSF, and the direction that GGG has gone with Archnemesis leaves me feeling that SC is the only option. I understand their desire to make the game more "challenging", however, their implementation misses the mark severely. Truly challenging content should be optional (Juiced maps, endgame bosses, etc), it should not come in the form of a world-crushing rare monster in a map that happened to roll some 1 in 1000 combination of mods. I periodically come across a rare monster in a map that is literally as difficult and dangerous as a Feared invitation. This should absolutely not be even close to a possibility.

HC players died plenty in map content prior to Archnemesis, which means that the core content was already "challenging" enough. When I die in a map, I want the reason to be that "I screwed up by blah blah blah", I do not want the reason to be, "I accidentally found myself on the same screen as a rare monster with blah, blah, blah".

Mapping is fun because we can spend hours in a "Flow state" (ie: Mindless) while feeling productive toward our goals. A flow state is impossible to maintain while having to stop and analyze mods on monsters, or spend periods of time engaged in fights that require higher-level decision-making. Instead of being passively satisfying gaming, it becomes mentally exhausting work.

In any case, HC feels like an unfair waste of time right now, and I'm just about done substituting SC play in the meantime. I've played consistently since Open Beta and I'm seriously thinking that I won't be around much longer. I've been holding out hope for multiple leagues now that GGG would realize and rectify their mistake that was Archnemesis, but it's looking as though that will not be the case.
Last edited by Cherd on Oct 18, 2022, 10:25:25 AM
cool beans

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