Audio Team Q&A - Answers Part 1

Weee my question got answered :D
IGN: JerleNecroDD/JerleNecroRuthless
Harvest is the BEST league EVER. Deterministic crafting ftw.
How many league/core supporter packs in a year when POE1 & 2 coexist?
We need a Q/A with your data analyst and balance team. We need to understand why you need to make progression harder every season.
How do I turn off the delirium voice telling me to kill everyone? I. Itmally have all sound off anyways but when I want to not die and need to listen for things I hear him and it's annoying. I have voices a the way down
I've complained about this many times, but there is an issue with sounds causing massive amount of stutter/lag.

It happens in every tile set but is most-pronounced in outdoor areas. My guess is that your 3D positional audio has been scuffed and uses reverb and time-gated calls and directSound gets wonky tryna deal with your implementation. It's annoying, and should have been dealt with before you moved over to fMod

Thank you in advance
Last edited by Orca_Orcinus on Oct 11, 2022, 10:02:25 PM
Could the audio team provide some insight into the process behind their creation of tracks all the way to them making it into the game?

For example, do they start with a 32 bit float master recording, make edits in whatever software they use for editing, then dither down to probably 16/44 and encode as a flac file for packaging with the client?
would much rather like an q/a with the data analyst and balance team.
This was great please do more. How about:

Melee developer Q&A
Quality Assurance Q&A
Q&A with the team that choose what to nerf each league
Q&A with the guys who are in charge of keeping the game fun
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
The audio team is S-tier. I really hope you all get the love & respect you deserve. Great work guys.
ChanBalam wrote:
This was great please do more. How about:

Melee developer Q&A
Quality Assurance Q&A
Q&A with the team that choose what to nerf each league
Q&A with the guys who are in charge of keeping the game fun

you're not even really actively playing the game, why you gotta be like that on the forums then?
The sound effects in the Strom Herald are too loud, could you please turn them down?

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