Build of the Week Season 10 - Episode 4 - omnompanda's Saqawal's Twister Inquisitor

The one thing still missing from Twisters description is the pulse frequency. It was never fully clear that each twister was hitting repeatedly (unless you actually used it and studied it) as the wiki doesn't say that its a pulsing projectile and the tooltip doesn't contain the interval between hits like most skills.

Would you guys kindly update the tooltip with this info for the sake of clarity and correct game tooltip info? Is it 150ms? 250?
State of Beyond Mechanic:

State of Blight Mechanic:

State of Harbinger Mechanic:
Celestial tornado when?
Curiosity is followed by ambition. Ambition, is followed by madness.
Avatar Ang Build lol. Nice.
that build "blew" me away
This build wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for the climate change.
This is one of my favorit BotW ever: creative build, combined with video editing and witty narration... "the sound of our servers on league-start".
Looks interesting. But unfortunately also seem like a very slow clear build.
IGN: JerleNecroDD/JerleNecroRuthless
Harvest is the BEST league EVER. Deterministic crafting ftw.
How many league/core supporter packs in a year when POE1 & 2 coexist?
This build certainly puts a twist on the usual meta.
Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more.

'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league.
Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave.
I can see how in all the builds of the week, there's nothing harmful to their secret "meta", so they keep picking the average ones instead of helping us (me too) get more challenges done instead.

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Last edited by Dylan_GGG on Oct 7, 2022, 3:35:19 AM

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