Build of the Week Season 10 - Episode 3 - Frost666's Relic of the Pact Inquisitor

The chest and helm combo is pretty strong, I can imagine it being much more popular next league once people have had time to realise how powerful it is.

If you can find some reservation efficiency from corrupted jewels or ashes of the stars you can swap the arrogance support for lifetap which gives a decent damage boost.

I've been fiddling with a variant for next league, the idea is to stack life and regen on inquisitor so you can run righteous fire and rathpith globe without sacrificing defences. Expedition's end is omitted as the idea is that the damge should be high enough to freeze without it (
I don't like the way GGG approaching game now. I'm long long time casual players since 2015. I didn't care to defeat those big bosses. It was fun to play this game. Now everything changed. This 3.19 give me stress to finish the map. Half of your players are free players. Now I stopped buying those packs for 2 leagues now. Next league if things didn't change the situation, I am done with this game.
who wants to play these goofy slow builds ? lmao
Not viable on hardcore.
Perimax wrote:

From my understanding there is nothing really wrong with the statements in the video. The mod "All damage can freeze" basically gives you the opportunity to freeze (without the need for crit or "chance to Freeze" scaling) as long as you meet the requirements to apply Freeze.

The requirements to apply freeze is to first start with a hit that has a chance to freeze. All damage can freeze just means that the damage input into the calculation includes all damage types, not that all your hits freeze.

the behavior you described would be "Your hits always freeze" Which doesnt exist afaik.
Last edited by Advesperate on Oct 1, 2022, 2:29:39 AM
I like freeze spells/builds. Nothing more satisfying than making your enemies shatter.

Played flat damaged scaled Trypanon in 2.6 with Inq and i perma froze all bosses up to maps and in maps (clear was bad=low attack speed) or Freezing Pulse mines in Heist where it was very useful to make those stacking rares on doors unable to act/attack me.

The Build in the video itself.

1) Sacrificing life to do AOE damage is nothing new. It started already in 2017 , Patch 3.0.

2) Making enemies perma frozen is also nothing new. its patch 1.x-2.x novelty.

Combining both aspects is kinda new i guess but not really what people would strife for since you have basically no EHP as a full unique items meme build.
I guess the reward with this build is that it works ,with all showcased items , but not that it competes with other more efficient freeze builds.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last edited by gandhar0 on Oct 1, 2022, 2:48:07 AM
Just want to point out that the game's economy AND player base will continually suffer while we continue to give builds out like candy at Halloween. People can't truly be happy about their idea when it's about to dubiously copy/pasted and clones are popping about all over. Like, yeah it WAS an original idea. Then you gave it away. Just imagine if people actually had to figure out their OWN way to get through this game...? How crazy would that be! It's the same basic and ignored principle that's letting magic the gathering down so hard. Deck with highest winrates? All listed and copied. Exile's with highest clear speed/boss clear? All listed and copied. This disturbing trend in gaming where people playing don't REALLY want to play, but just be given the win? I'm not into that mentality, not sure why anyone who's trying to have fun with free time would choose to forego agency in the matter altogether. Buncha simps out here.

You're literally playing Cyclone slayer and arc Elementalist.

Its a neat build, probably fun. But youre not, seeing as youre gatekeeping how people should play.
Just want to point out that the game's economy AND player base will continually suffer while we continue to give builds out like candy at Halloween. People can't truly be happy about their idea when it's about to dubiously copy/pasted and clones are popping about all over. Like, yeah it WAS an original idea. Then you gave it away. Just imagine if people actually had to figure out their OWN way to get through this game...? How crazy would that be! It's the same basic and ignored principle that's letting magic the gathering down so hard. Deck with highest winrates? All listed and copied. Exile's with highest clear speed/boss clear? All listed and copied. This disturbing trend in gaming where people playing don't REALLY want to play, but just be given the win? I'm not into that mentality, not sure why anyone who's trying to have fun with free time would choose to forego agency in the matter altogether. Buncha simps out here.

Advesperate wrote:
Perimax wrote:

From my understanding there is nothing really wrong with the statements in the video. The mod "All damage can freeze" basically gives you the opportunity to freeze (without the need for crit or "chance to Freeze" scaling) as long as you meet the requirements to apply Freeze.

The requirements to apply freeze is to first start with a hit that has a chance to freeze. All damage can freeze just means that the damage input into the calculation includes all damage types, not that all your hits freeze.

the behavior you described would be "Your hits always freeze" Which doesnt exist afaik.

I interpreted this mod as that it would allow you to freeze nevertheless how high your chance to freeze rating is and nevertheless if you have done a crit or not, but only if you are either hitting high enough to still reach freeze threshold or if you are able to bring freeze/ailment duration to a minimum of 0.3 seconds with your hit in case your hit was too low to reach freeze threshold. So it would not have been like a free guarantee to freeze.

But however: I was wrong!

I did a quick test with Southbound Gloves, 0% chance to freeze and 0% crit chance in Act1. I was not able to freeze (kill the mobs). Without Southbound Gloves I would one-shot the mobs so reaching threshold would not be a problem and therefore duration scaling would not help. Only when I have a minimum chance to freeze (used +10%) I was able to kill them.

So I appologize for spreading false rumour and thanks for enlighten me. I edited my original post and agree that the wording of the mod "All damage can freeze" is indeed a little bit misleading. The truth lies in the first sentence in the wiki:

"A hit of damage that has a chance to freeze is capable of inflicting freeze."
Last edited by Perimax on Oct 1, 2022, 11:44:23 AM
bionicg2040 wrote:
Where are the melee builds? Why not showcase all the things melee can achieve?

Look at the range/aoe of that build. It's basically melee.

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