3.19.1c Patch Notes Preview

Just remove Archnemesis, how many times are you gonna patch it? It's not working it's not fun take it out of the game.
It's all well and good to make all these changes, but it really is hard to play and enjoy when the economy is such a mess and the one-shot deaths are so common. I really wish the community's input would be used instead of just considered and discarded.
Instead of gem chests, you should aim weapons and jewelry chests (cause they are much more useless than gems by the way)
You know that Piety will laser you dead like 2 tiles away? Her laser I think has no end or length cap when she spins around…
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
Everything still feels bad
looking good!
Still irrelevant
Until archnemesis is removed from the game, this game will not be worth the Charmain extra soft I wipe my bum with.
Hopefully one of the client crashes is the [very] long standing blight tower crash.
Thanks for the hard work your putting into this league. Started kinda wrong, but its almost perfect now.

The only thing i dislike is the loot goblin ideia, wich should be discarded completely. Loot should be spread across mobs depending on dificulty, not goblins, the MF culler meta needs to stop.

Dont mind the negativity of most posts.

EDIT: The volatile change applies to Delve too? Because theres nodes that spawn 500 volatiles on death wich just makes it so cancer...
Last edited by nfgama on Sep 19, 2022, 8:00:21 PM

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