New Microtransactions: Celestial and Automaton Galvanic Field Effect and Stash Tab Sale

cjbLazin wrote:
Oh yeah .. and after i wrote WHOS VISION IS THIS i have been muted for 16 hours !!!

yes thats their way to handle critism and handle the problems the game has. have experience this aswell so i will not ever give critism anymore and watch the game slowly die. if they dont care why should we? plenty of good games out there and d4 probably not far anymore(at least not as far as poe2 these days xD )
It's an okay skill as a 4-link to spoof On-Crit Flask charges against bosses.

Adds like 1.5mil on a 16mil Main-skill build.

AMyllyA wrote:
Are you aware that the tier 4 challenge rewards are not being granted? Both me and my friend got 29 challenges done yesterday and got the message that we got our helmet to tier 4 yet its still locked and on tier 3

I'm having the same issue. I'm at 23 challenges in game. I think the Memory Challenge is bugged. That's the one I finished before it started missing count.

It showed me the weapon effect reward twice. Once for 22 and then 23.
"Never trust floating women." -Officer Kirac
Last edited by Xzorn on Sep 16, 2022, 1:51:46 AM
Leonji wrote:
What's silly is why a stash tab sale when the game is so unfun to play right now?

Fix the game first.

You talk as if they don't have a stash tab sale every month or so...
cjbLazin wrote:
Sooo yesterday i have attempted to 6 link an armour for first time since i started the league in SSFSC ... been collecting Orbs of Fusing for 2 weeks and at the end i am down - 1100 Orbs of Fusing .. my mouse left button nearly dead and my 6 socket armour being unlinked.... Definitely something has been tuned down behind the scenes... Take away the fun more... [..]

1100 is still below average and others are more unlucky need other 2000. This is no evidence for a nerf.
> Fixed a bug which allowed the Bestiary craft using The Black Morrigan Recipe to not respect item socket rules.

This company can't get any worse.
LimeKoala wrote:
cjbLazin wrote:
Sooo yesterday i have attempted to 6 link an armour for first time since i started the league in SSFSC ... been collecting Orbs of Fusing for 2 weeks and at the end i am down - 1100 Orbs of Fusing .. my mouse left button nearly dead and my 6 socket armour being unlinked.... Definitely something has been tuned down behind the scenes... Take away the fun more... [..]

1100 is still below average and others are more unlucky need other 2000. This is no evidence for a nerf.

3 of my friends have quitted the league already as they have dumped all the currency they had in Trade SC League without finishing to 6 link armours. It was usually no more than 600-800 fusings on a ilvl 84 20% quality armour in past leagues , now there is something really fishy.
Cool but id like them to sell the Lake of Kalandra portal
IGN RighteousRom LvL-100 Juggernaut
Mirror Drop T-14 Shrine
cjbLazin wrote:
LimeKoala wrote:
cjbLazin wrote:
Sooo yesterday i have attempted to 6 link an armour for first time since i started the league in SSFSC ... been collecting Orbs of Fusing for 2 weeks and at the end i am down - 1100 Orbs of Fusing .. my mouse left button nearly dead and my 6 socket armour being unlinked.... Definitely something has been tuned down behind the scenes... Take away the fun more... [..]

1100 is still below average and others are more unlucky need other 2000. This is no evidence for a nerf.

3 of my friends have quitted the league already as they have dumped all the currency they had in Trade SC League without finishing to 6 link armours. It was usually no more than 600-800 fusings on a ilvl 84 20% quality armour in past leagues , now there is something really fishy.

Nothing fishy about that. Have many times in past leagues used way over 3000 fusing to 6 link xD just bad luck.
Please give us a new specialized stash tab to store more stuff. Thx
"I've played a lot of videogames. It's my primary recreational activity. Best games ever: Elden Ring and Diablo 4."
~Elon Musk, 2023
Bring back 3.13 harvest.
Bring back 3.13 Delirium.

Revert Cast on critical mana cost and mana reservation bullshit.

And maybe you'll see my money again.

Until then, just go flock yourselves with your microtransactions.
IGN: Cyanyx
Last edited by Qmabyte on Sep 16, 2022, 11:49:45 AM
GonzoHobo wrote:
so the game is dead now but we must release 999 new MTX per second

Relative to other league launches this has been one of the least loaded MTX release seasons. We normally get double the amount we've gotten this league. Also the people who make MTX don't have anything to do with balance and their work doesn't stop or change if more patches are needed. What is a 3d Modeler going to contribute to loot balance?

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