Lake of Kalandra Supporter Pack Concept Art

Fix your game
Could look cool.
But you decided to destroy 32:9 ultrawide resolutions without any reason.
So you can keep your game, your leagues and all your fancy mtx and supporter packs in the darkness of your insanly failed understanding of customer's needs.
Cool stuff :)
IGN: JerleNecroDD/JerleNecroRuthless
Harvest is the BEST league EVER. Deterministic crafting ftw.
How many league/core supporter packs in a year when POE1 & 2 coexist?
Looks super cool - can't wait for you to give me a reason to buy it when you fix the game :)
Props to the design team, they look good.
Development team: you can do better, do better.
sorely disappointed, this was not the announcement i was looking for today. Archnemesis has made the game largely unplayable for me and many others and should be removed from the base game and locked behind map mods that enable it somewhere off in the ilvl 84 range or so. that way anyone that actually wants to interact with AN mobs can do so at their own discretion by rolling it on a magic/rare map explicitly. also, quantity of drops in acts is dismal, starving out newbies and casuals to the point where they cannot even craft basic starter gear to get them through part 2 before quitting out of utter frustration unable to cope with AN mobs. cards for simple starter uniques like humility, vanity and lunaris priestess can take several days to collect a single set where past leagues would have a full set drop within a few hours or so. loot goblins is not fun, it just encourages us to run past all the mobs in a map that largely drop nothing (feels like 80% or so drop nothing at all) and go straight for the boss. the current state of the game is not fun for me as a casual and i cannot support the state this is in now.
waiting for OP to deliver.
I want a black robe outfit. xD
Beautiful art! Too bad we can’t view the same details in game …a birds eye view of this mtx is an insult to the artists! Bring on the character viewer already GGG
"I've played a lot of videogames. It's my primary recreational activity. Best games ever: Elden Ring and Diablo 4."
~Elon Musk, 2023
fix your game --> players back --> sell more MTX

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