[3.20] Cassie's ⚡ Galvanic Arc ⚡ Trickster/Inquisitor | 10-30m DPS | ALL CONTENT | Noob-Friendly

Hyker3 wrote:
Very true. Wasnt thinking about the attack speed bonus. Was just a quick idea as I had a spare slot and I'm using flame dash for gaps as well. Will look into the enkindling thingie. Haven't used that before. Is it just that it changes the 40% to a higher amount? While not gaining flask charged during effect?

Yes essentially.
Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future, and renders the present inaccessible.
This is the first time I have completed the game in its entirety (as in all acts) and I've been playing since beta, almost every league. Just got bored with many of the other builds I've tried, but this one I've had the most fun with. Thanks so much!
Flasks are helping a lot but lost about 120c on instillings, ugh. Also got new gloves. Still getting one shot on occasion by bosses at max res even with great clear speed, do I just need to dodge more? Damage feels a bit slow against certain rares too. Any advice for gear/tree? What should I save for next? Thanks for all the tips so far.
Last edited by Anuv on Aug 25, 2022, 11:03:18 PM
Anuv wrote:
Flasks are helping a lot but lost about 120c on instillings, ugh. Also got new gloves. Still getting one shot on occasion by bosses at max res even with great clear speed, do I just need to dodge more? Damage feels a bit slow against certain rares too. Any advice for gear/tree? What should I save for next? Thanks for all the tips so far.

6linking your shavs will help a lot, thunderfist will help a lot, prism guardian is gonna be huge.

you need to anoint your amulet. energy from within jewel will be a lil boost.

if you can get atziri's step and still have res cap (especially chaos) then you'll have spell suppress cap; it's likely the unsupressed spells one-tapping you. it looks like you haven't done uber lab yet, i was able to get it done with like 2.8k ES and the shavs disc vitality setup. so yea, fix your suppression chance will stop the boss one-shots.

crown of the inward eye will be good for your damage, plus it'll be easier to color double red for the aura additions below. the price has come down a lot, and don't forget you can bench 4link corrupted ones with vaal orbs.

You got your shavs but you aren't using low life yet, arrogance discipline vitality (until prism guardian) will be quite substantial both for offense and defense. switch to life reservation aura mastery when you do this. if your chaos res is low, you can get chaos res on the top right of tree temporarily.

check your pantheons, make sure you have solaris, it helps sometimes.

i'd go like this for buy order: anoint ammy, crown of the inward eye, 4-5l shavs (your galvanic field goes in here; you could temporarily run whispers of doom with elemental weakness), atziri's step+fix res on other slots (ring?), energy from within, ETC other big stuff
Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future, and renders the present inaccessible.
Last edited by Cassie322 on Aug 25, 2022, 11:36:15 PM
Hey Cassie loving the build, I'm stumped with figuring out how to get more es currently sitting at around 3.6k, any suggestions?
I've got shav's, a prism guardian, prohpet crown, pretty much everything except thunderfist since that's crazy expensive rn. I feel like I do 0 damage in red maps currently :(
Nice for map clear, Terrible single target on bosses :S
Hello Cassie, is there any tips you could give me on the build? I know I'm still missing a lot but I'm not sure what to prioritize right now. I'm lacking tons of ES right now so I'll probably buy the ES gem next.

Here's my pob: https://pastebin.com/2TF3tw6k

Edit: Changed the node Alacrity to starting the ES Mastery.
Last edited by Hyker3 on Aug 26, 2022, 9:08:18 AM
Does the Militant Faith jewel need to be exactly 6000 new faithful converted, or up to 6000? Or at least 6000?
how to sustain the shimmeron damage ?

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