New Divination Cards in Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra

That mageblood stack is certainly interesting.
XstormLeigh wrote:
That mageblood stack is certainly interesting.

Interesting in what?
GGG destroying the point of doing 2x corupt on the alva?
GGG destroying the sense of farming unique items?
Now what is the point of create mf?

I don't understand the concept of GGG but I understand why so many people play on the Diablo, despite p2w. And why players it is departing from poe.

Those people on the GGG team responsible for the cards ... apparently focused so much on adding everything to the cards, that they forgot what is hack and slash game.

Next edit....
Now with this idiotic card system. The price of mage, squere and other unique depends mainly on the price of Divination Scarab. And have GGG add new mage and squere cards to Crimson temple. Now 90% of players make one and the same map. Let Crimson Temple do 100% of the players. Who needs other maps? This is such an idiotic and unthinking GGG policy that you are speechless.

And not grasping players write only POG.
Great GGG game. Dying 1-2 weeks after the start of each league.
Price of Devotion : 7 cards
Picture has 9 bodies to be sacrificed.
Maybe its just me but activates OCD.

Why didn't you make the art like 7 bodies, or make the card set 9 if you keep 9 bodies.
XstormLeigh wrote:
That mageblood stack is certainly interesting.

Interesting in what?
GGG destroying the point of doing 2x corupt on the alva?
GGG destroying the sense of farming unique items?
Now what is the point of create mf?

I don't understand the concept of GGG but I understand why so many people play on the Diablo, despite p2w. And why players it is departing from poe.

Those people on the GGG team responsible for the cards ... apparently focused so much on adding everything to the cards, that they forgot what is hack and slash game.

You think the only point of the game is to make a MF character to drop the uniques? Have you ever even made a MF character? You barely even played Sentinel league. There are plenty more uniques to double corrupt instead of just the 2 chase items..

Hopefully, there is no point to MF. Because it's awful. I ran so many Crimson Temples I lost count and never saw an Apothecary. Many were 100% deli with the right scarabs. Having a minutely increased chance to see some kind of valuable card is a bonus to my gameplay which includes completing the atlas, killing pinnacle bosses, ooba bosses, etc. I think that fits with the majority of players.. the double corrupt MB cards will be so rare that Alva will still have a place.

Holy cow am I tired of these 'sky is falling' Andys.
Please go to my account and see since when I play POE. I don't have time for leagues at the moment.
And read my previous statements

I will write it again. Dissipating all the content from playing cards is bad. It kills the sense of creating super expensive builds and farming unique items. Now the game comes down to either a card farm or a boss farm. And the prices of these unique items depend on the prices of the one scarabs.
Rhylol wrote:
Why 76x Simulacrum Splinter? That's so specific xd

Just to troll. It's one more than you need to add up to exactly 300 if you hand in 4 sets. Or you need to exchange _a ton_ more sets to get to another 300 from the excess ones.^^
Last edited by fadekill on Aug 10, 2022, 6:57:22 AM
XstormLeigh wrote:
That mageblood stack is certainly interesting.

Interesting in what?
GGG destroying the point of doing 2x corupt on the alva?
GGG destroying the sense of farming unique items?
Now what is the point of create mf?

I don't understand the concept of GGG but I understand why so many people play on the Diablo, despite p2w. And why players it is departing from poe.

Those people on the GGG team responsible for the cards ... apparently focused so much on adding everything to the cards, that they forgot what is hack and slash game.

Next edit....
Now with this idiotic card system. The price of mage, squere and other unique depends mainly on the price of Divination Scarab. And have GGG add new mage and squere cards to Crimson temple. Now 90% of players make one and the same map. Let Crimson Temple do 100% of the players. Who needs other maps? This is such an idiotic and unthinking GGG policy that you are speechless.

And not grasping players write only POG.
Great GGG game. Dying 1-2 weeks after the start of each league.

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One main uses of MF builds, is to farm these cards, becuase they will be super rare.

Ran 100's of super Juiced Crimson Temple maps last league hunting for Apothecary cards, and the only time we dropped any was with a MF build in the party.
We dropped 4 in total.

These cards will be an extremely rare drop and need both targetted farming and magic find to get them in any usable quantity.
Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Aug 10, 2022, 5:32:25 PM
What are you writing to me about? you for real? I know how many cards are farmed by investing in max maps (2x beyond, 80-100% deli, Winged Divination Scarab and "Citadel" crimson). Getting this card i easy thing compared to getting one natural HH or mage. My record is 3x the apothecary from one map, on average 1x the apothecary every 8 maps. nothing special...

If you had taken a little trouble, you would have enter into my account. But no .. only Pog, Pog.
we are a day away from the live reveal, the hype is real!
thanks GGG, I appreciate you add a lot of new content but please fix some stuff like 90% of builds not being able to do endgame/all content in this game.

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