Divination Card Stories - Rebirth and Renewal

Jerle wrote:
I wonder how is the community team getting these stories. How did they know who had a story to tell?

Bex emailed a number of card commissioners (myself included) back on 03-Nov-2020. Presumably this has been done in multiple waves, although I'm not certain this is the case.
Le Toucan Will Return
Curiosity is followed by ambition. Ambition, is followed by madness.
What a story!!
woah what a beautiful design
Anngrat wrote:
manifesto waiting room =(

+++ :(
kx10yf wrote:

They email us to ask for the background story if there is one. The news articles are what we replied to them.

sirgog wrote:

Bex emailed a number of card commissioners (myself included) back on 03-Nov-2020. Presumably this has been done in multiple waves, although I'm not certain this is the case.

Thanks guys for sharing your experiences!
IGN: JerleNecroDD/JerleNecroRuthless
Harvest is the BEST league EVER. Deterministic crafting ftw.
How many league/core supporter packs in a year when POE1 & 2 coexist?
Absolutely love these stories.
Thought this was going to be a Blessed Rebirth + Renewal cluster jewel
The artwork looks like a dead parent and their child. Very disturbing.

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