Will Sentinel Become a Core Path of Exile Mechanic?

Let me get this out of my chest , so you introduce league and happy with it and we enjoy how it works , then you remove it because we enjoyed it , why the hell you made it in first place what is the point of us player playing ur game when we not having fun anymore and you keep removing what make us enjoy playing , you remove good enjoyable things and adds degens and on death stuff that we hate if you see that's how the game should work , games should be hard yes but enjoyable too and we must have ways to overcome the hard aspect of it , when you keep nerfing our gear our skills our builds and buff monsters , monsters now acts like they have there own treee and ascendary passives , when you balance the entire game on the 1% of the players not fair for us all ...NO new player will play ur game i will never recommend it to my friends .. Keep going in that direction game wish you luck , you will lose ur currenct players too step by step

Cya next league.
It's ok i guess, didn't really play it much. I WISH THEY WOULD TAKE THAT ARCHNEM CRAP OUT.

The Bald Man Disapproves
PoE is 1 of the few games on the market that is actually a challenge. Anything challenging will be frustrating. If you are not getting frustrated, you are not being challenged. And for the people who say "but being 1 shot is not a challenge, dying to ground degens is not a challenge". Yes it is. It challenges you to invest more into your build, find out where weaknesses are and improve. It challenges you to spend more time grinding - which is the purpose of the game.

Recombinators are absolutely broken in their current form. This is without question. PoE is not a game where a weekend player will reach full-end game with mirror tier self-crafted gear. PoE is a time investment, a grind.

People are discussing how monsters got harder and players and gear are being nerfed? For next to no investment you can complete all content in this game. It used to take people half a league to grind up to just kill Sirus or Elder. Now we have even the most basic builds just AFKing in Elder. Gear/Players have far outpaced the difficulty of the game. We need to heavily dial this back. We need monsters to get buffs. I feel archnem was kind of a step in the right direction, but it relies too heavily on ground degens, random abilities that make no sense killing us rather than the monsters now. Hopefully this will be tweaked in future leagues (and i definitely expect it will) to a more balanced challenge.

imo, recombinators should be pretty much bricked in the future. When they are used, make items get something similar to a split mod. Don't let them be used on fractured, influenced, synthesized, mirrored, split, or w/e else items. make sure early to mid game items so people can self craft a lot more gear starting out. Recombs shouldn't be an end game crafting item, they are just too powerful.
Last edited by Distorted203 on Jul 18, 2022, 6:31:10 PM
k cool so we deleting torment if we're not replacing it with sentinel?
so we're getting sentinels then
POG. I hate sentinels and recombinators. Goodbye
As much as I don't like it, as a QA engineer, I can completely understand the decision. At least the recombs will still function.
no surprise for recombinators as it was OP af(combining corrupts,fractures,synthesis)
but deleting sentinels is odd(as many have said its a good replacement for torment)
The league mechanic could have not gone core the way it is now.
It's fine for a league but having to manage 2x2 items and have a separate little skill tree for them (on top of the passive tree and the atlas passive tree) for a mechanic that is another one of many is just not feasable. I am glad you are taking your time to rethink it through. Designing a league to be just that (a league) is one thing.. having it blend into the core game with no issue is a whole different issue.

As for recombinators, I wish I could give some suggestions on how to balance them but I don't usually like expception-based systems (this currency works this way.. but not with fractured items in conjunction with other fractured items, etc...). That is how you end up with spaghetti code and confusion.

I had a lot of fun and took full advantage of the recombination system, but without a clear sugestion on how to balance them, I am more at peace with them being removed than If they were to become hard capped or realistically accessible to 1% of the playerbase.

Also, for everyone here complaining that this feels like "borrowed power"... look at it from a different perspective. We get to play these temporary leagues, have OP shit that we interact with for 3 months, make some items that will never be obtainable again and next league start over with some other OP mechanic.
Isolated OP mechanics are fun and don't do any harm to the game. Making every one of them go core and having to deal with and balance around the compounded effect of all of them being present at once is what limits design to such an extent that we get leagues like archnemesis.

So.. personally I am looking forward to 3.19.

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