Kirac's Vault Pass Build Feature - Kay's Poison Spiders Occultist

That's pretty despicable, making build showcases entirely to show off and advertise MTX.

You haven't done these in like 2 years, and the first time since, it's for marketing.
Fart_Smucker wrote:
Nothing short of shameless GGG. Seriously, every league you continue to make bonehead moves which cause people to do nothing but throw their hands up and ask "wtf?!" People have been asking for Build of the Week for YEARS to come back and you bring it back ONLY to market your terrible idea that is Kirac's Vault. Ya, congrats to Kay whoever that is for only being here because they wasted 30 dollars.

My goodness, what an amazing post that is.

This isn't build of the week. It's a showcase of the items that one can get within the Vault - on a build that Kay has created.

I've noticed people saying Build week has returned and it has not. This is different than showcasing a build.

Shameless wouldn't be the right word to use here and please elaborate on what you think are the bonehead moves which cause people to throw their hands in the air?


Phil C.
Bugs001 wrote:
thats not build of the week, thats build of several years.wormblaster was build of the week, ignite lightning warp was build of the week. this is NOT build of the week, this is ad

Correct, no where is it stated that it's Build of the week.

If you listen to the video, the first thing that's mentioned, is the item that you can get within the Vault.


Phil C.
Lets gooooooooo Kay!
Could you not nerf builds, instead bring other skills towards the level of the meta builds plz.
so, can we get a new ad campaign, I would like to call it "fix the game"
i've stood behind all of ggg's posts. whether its an announcement of a new mtx, a build, an interview, build showcase, or just some random filler post.

i do however find this is the lowest GGG has stooped to.

how your title reads to me is:

Checkout our mtx feature running kay's build.

why i dislike it.

builds used to be a feature of the game.

i get that you guys need money to run. but as far as i've seen ggg's relationship with players, i feel like you treat players as friends somewhat. out of the many company's you guys are one of the old "made by gamers for gamers" companies that are becoming rarer as time passes.

to feature an mtx WITH kay's build is promoting kay which is cool and all but why was the title worded in a way that the mtx is the main highlight?

have you guys gone all marketing and thrown away your sense of community?

has poe grown so big that you guys decide to just throw away all subtlety?

if you guys put the title as "Check out Kay's Poison Spiders build - featuring our kirac build pass mtx", that could have given the focus more on kay's build and made it feel more organic.

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This is definitely a must-have! And I think it's pretty good value too haha.
why it lasts only 1leagu? cant make 3?
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absolutely love the build!

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