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🔥LF guild members🔥big brainz+big gainz🔥zana left me with my group play :(🔥still alive in 3.21🔥

Hi! I'm a semi-active player, usually playing a lot during the first week, then playing between 2-6 weeks every league, depending on how much I like it. I'm not really looking for group play, but rather a group where we can share item drops or help each other out with items we need. I've been in a guild with friends where we did just that until now, but unfortunately they all stopped playing.

I've been playing since beta, but really started getting into PoE around Incursion league, having played most leagues since then. So I'm experienced but also play fairly casually, sometimes I go all out and make a lot of currency, sometimes I just level some characters I feel are fun. Also I still know basically nothing about crafting, but maybe this will be the league I'll get into it!

Do you think I'd fit in here? I know most guilds are looking for more active players.

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