Path of Exile: Scourge Twitch Highlights

This game is so doomed. As good as it was they ruined it. Such a shame because it literally WAS one of the best games sround

I would like to know how he thinks it is ruined??? weirdchamp.

Well league start has been super fun and loved the highlights here :D
Almost_Red wrote:
This game is so doomed. As good as it was they ruined it. Such a shame because it literally WAS one of the best games sround

I would like to know how he thinks it is ruined??? weirdchamp.

Well league start has been super fun and loved the highlights here :D

Ya, walking on the coast gives you one challenge point, and they have zero, so I'm thinking they didn't even try the league. Some people just like pissing in everyone else's cornflakes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Last edited by Nepenthess on Oct 25, 2021, 6:39:44 PM
All the complainers prob just messed up on their league starter build and now pissed at everything KEKW :D
Just_the_TlP wrote:
All the complainers prob just messed up on their league starter build and now pissed at everything KEKW :D

I bet they got baited by Fyregrass' Poison TS Occy build. Get fucked losers.
One of the fun leagues ever!
Still waiting for MTX preview
Last edited by Praanesh on Oct 25, 2021, 7:01:25 PM
Massive bugs coverage from GGG :)
What broken build is that! so much damage on day 1 and sirus 8 :S
GGG , better fix your game ....
"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019
Launch was cool. But after settling for a couple of days, it’s starting to feel like scourge is a lot of work for little rewards.
It will convert your forum titles into decorative square badges that use the space next to your forum posts more economically so that you can show off an unlimited number of them at any one time. - GGG, 2018 (
Quin literally 1hp lmfao
Curiosity is followed by ambition. Ambition, is followed by madness.
Nepenthess wrote:
Almost_Red wrote:
This game is so doomed. As good as it was they ruined it. Such a shame because it literally WAS one of the best games sround

I would like to know how he thinks it is ruined??? weirdchamp.

Well league start has been super fun and loved the highlights here :D

Ya, walking on the coast gives you one challenge point, and they have zero, so I'm thinking they didn't even try the league. Some people just like pissing in everyone else's cornflakes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

ok, 13 challenge points. Game is doomed, only meta builds playable, other too expansive or unplayable at all. Sad, I remember times when there many different off meta builds every league but what now. Nerf one builds other become unplayable at all like melee shadow. Cringe to see only cock playable on whole archtype as melee. But yeah, make " insert any spell caster / trapper " game ez af . And yeah, still waiting PoE 2 , but I guess I gonna drop whole game until it release, because league mechanics fine like scourge, but balance around classes/builds total junk. And we are not even talking about garbage game optimization, yeah, its still garbage since essence league
Harvest is trash league. Ty for deleting it :)
Last edited by xStyrosx on Oct 25, 2021, 11:18:18 PM

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