This is absurd.

Its been 8 months since I bought the CORE supporter pack, and I STILL do not have the physycal goods that I should get: the hoodie and the T-shirt. I contacted support though email SEVERAL times, and the answer was always the same "contact your post office and have a nice day!" In other words, screw yourself! Here in Brazil we CAN'T just contact the post office, it doesn't work that way.

This is a very bad joke by GGG.

The thing is, GGG should have the phys goods delivered to my home, that was the deal when I bought the supporter pack.So, GGG HAVE TO CONTACT WHOMEVER TO ENSURE THE PACKAGE GETS TO MY HOME, not me, right?

I did PAY for the phys goods and GGG agreed to deliver it to my home.Thats it.

So, since support just tell me to eat myself, I should just pay the pack and do not receive the goods? Thats it? GGG are scamming players now, thats it? Yes, because GGG don't refund me my money, doesn't give me in game points instead, neither the phys goods.

What are my options? Suit GGG? Abandon the game? Not buying the packs anymore?

I am a supporter of the game since its beggining. This is GGG sppiting at my face.

So, BRAZILIANS SUPPORTERS, BE AWARE OS THIS SCAM BY GGG. You pay, and you do not get what you payed for.
Last edited by Fromhellrex on Oct 18, 2021, 8:53:17 AM
Last bumped on Aug 1, 2024, 12:07:11 AM
Hey there Fromhellrex, I'm sorry to hear about this! I've sent you a private message regarding this now.
Matthew_GGG wrote:
Hey there Fromhellrex, I'm sorry to hear about this! I've sent you a private message regarding this now.

Thank you for the reply Matthew, but as I told you in private, were the ones that told me to take a hike. They are the ones that ARE NOT solving this issue.
Last edited by Fromhellrex on Oct 18, 2021, 8:52:39 AM
Fromhellrex wrote:
Matthew_GGG wrote:
Hey there Fromhellrex, I'm sorry to hear about this! I've sent you a private message regarding this now.

Thank you for the reply Matthew, but as I told you in private, were the ones that told me to take a hike. They are the ones that ARE NOT solving this issue.

you do understand that you (depending of local law) have to pay VAT + TAX of these items before they get to you. So maybe there is a problem here.....
Like this not being paid / you not being notified = items gets destroyed / returned (if you are very lucky) by your local customs department (this is a local issue that have nothing to do with GGG)....

However I 100% agree that GGG have to sent items like this with FULL TRACK AND TRACE and this is a big problem since they don't do this. Another big problem is that nothing is sent from GGG (NZ office). All orders are sent from supplier in bundles meaning that it can take many months before your order is even getting made and shipped.

You could go to your bank / CC company for a refund, but this will result in perma banning of your account.....

My best advise for you is to get all the proof together (all the e-mails you sent + the replies from GGG), print these to PDF and make a timeline story about what has happend including payment proof both from CC company and your bank (again PDF).
Now make a case here about this issue -->
I disageree with you about me/supporter paying VAT+tax or w/e since GGG say the phys good will arrive at my home "free of charge".

The issue is quite simple at this point: I am NOT getting the phys goods, thats a fact. Here in Brazil, for me to drag GGG to court for this is very cheap FOR ME, so thats an option, since I am a lawyer and I am getting very annoyed by this attitude by GGG.

The reasonable thing to do here would be GGG just cancel de phys goods and give me in game points instead.
Last edited by Fromhellrex on Oct 18, 2021, 9:34:48 AM
Fromhellrex wrote:
I disageree with you about me/supporter paying VAT+tax or w/e since GGG say the phys good will arrive at my home "free of charge".

Feel free to do this however that is how international shipping works all over the world when it's business to consumer shipping.
The recipien is ALWAYS the one responsible for paying any local VAT/TAX per local land law.

Fromhellrex wrote:

The issue is quite simple at this point: I am NOT getting the phys goods, thats a fact.

I am not argueing ANYTHING about the core issue here. Packages being sent (if it even has been sent yet) without proper track and trace.

Fromhellrex wrote:

Here in Brazil, for me to drag GGG to court for this is very cheap FOR ME, so thats an option, since I am a lawyer and I am getting very annoyed by this attitude by GGG.

GGG doesn't have any offices / companies registrered in Brazil, so that will properly not help you very much.
Best option is properly the one I already gave you for NZ Consumer Protection.

GL Exile.
Let me add that I buy CORE supporter packs from the beggining of POE, and NEVER BEFORE I had any trouble receiving my phys goods at my home. Never ever had to pay w/e to receive it. This is the first time that this happened, and I am sure is due to GGG changing the company that ship the phys goods. I DO WANT the hoodie and T-shirt since I do use it from time to time, I love the game.
HanSoloDK wrote:

GGG doesn't have any offices / companies registrered in Brazil, so that will properly not help you very much.
Best option is properly the one I already gave you for NZ Consumer Protection.

GL Exile.

Just as information, by Brazilian law it doesn't matter that GG doesn't have offices here. I can suit them, they will be contacted to defend themselves, and if not, they will be found guilty by brazilian laws, and I can ask for them to be forbade to sell the supporter pack for brazilian suporters, due to fraud in advertisement. That's how serious this is in here.

Nevertheless, I just want my phys goods, or in game points. Thats it.
Last edited by Fromhellrex on Oct 18, 2021, 10:14:22 AM
Fromhellrex wrote:

Just as information, by Brazilian law it doesn't matter that GG doesn't have offices here. I can suit them, they will be contacted to defend themselves, and if not, they will be found guilty by brazilian laws, and I can ask for them to be forbade to sell the supporter pack for brazilian suporters, due to fraud in advertisement. That's how serious this is in here.

Nevertheless, I just want my phys goods, or in game points. Thats it.

Well only way for that to work is the make local ISP's to block GGG's domain (DNS blocking). However DNS blocking is easy to get around.
Local small claims court can't force GGG do to anything "as such as I see it"....

If you want "pressure" to be put on GGG then you will need to follow NZ law / use their consumer protection systems.
That should be very easy for you to do if you really are a lawyer.

I assume GGG stand on this (if I understand what you is trying to say in your first post correctly) is that the goods have already been sent since they are asking you to talk to your post office, and therefor you can't get anything more (ingame points, refund and so on).....

However GGG don't handle these things via the forum so you will properly not be getting any more replies then the one you already got.

GL Exile.
Last edited by HanSoloDK on Oct 18, 2021, 11:07:18 AM
Fromhellrex wrote:
The thing is, GGG should have the phys goods delivered to my home, that was the deal when I bought the supporter pack.So, GGG HAVE TO CONTACT WHOMEVER TO ENSURE THE PACKAGE GETS TO MY HOME, not me, right?


Under Brazilian law, it is the responsibility of the importer (that's you) to pay import duty.

Fromhellrex wrote:
I did PAY for the phys goods and GGG agreed to deliver it to my home.Thats it.

Please provide a source for your claim that GGG agreed to deliver it to your home.

They offer to pay for international shipping, and do. They don't mention tax.

Fromhellrex wrote:
I disageree with you about me/supporter paying VAT+tax or w/e since GGG say the phys good will arrive at my home "free of charge".

As you have reiterated the claim, I reiterate my request for a source.

Where does GGG say free of charge or your home? You've used quote marks. What are you quoting?

Fromhellrex wrote:
The issue is quite simple at this point: I am NOT getting the phys goods, thats a fact. Here in Brazil, for me to drag GGG to court for this is very cheap FOR ME, so thats an option, since I am a lawyer and I am getting very annoyed by this attitude by GGG.

GGG have paid for their manufacture & shipping, as per their obligations.

You are most certainly not a lawyer. If you were - regardless of the branch of law you may claim to specialise in - you would know that you can not hold another party responsible for your decisions. As the importer of the goods, paying import duty is your responsibility under Brazilian law. You electing not to do so can not be blamed on others. With respect, that is blindingly obvious.

Fromhellrex wrote:
The reasonable thing to do here would be GGG just cancel de phys goods and give me in game points instead.

You have ensured that this will never happen.

They can, in theory, offer to be pretty cool guys (& gals!) and agree to have the goods returned to them and give you points instead. However, you went and started accusing them of scamming people and discussing a potential lawsuit. In that context, GGG are going to steadfastly refuse to do anything that one might twist into them offering compensation, and thus accepting liability.

There's also the matter of them having paid the cost of international shipping at your direction, and so you would have been responsible for them needlessly being charged for that. But if you'd never mentioned suing them, they might have chosen to be gracious and overlook that.

Fromhellrex wrote:
Just as information, by Brazilian law it doesn't matter that GG doesn't have offices here. I can suit them, they will be contacted to defend themselves, and if not, they will be found guilty by brazilian laws, and I can ask for them to be forbade to sell the supporter pack for brazilian suporters, due to fraud in advertisement.

They aren't guilty of fraud.

To avoid a nasty precedent they'll just pay a local solicitor to show up in court to prevent a summary judgement caused by them being no-shows. The solicitor will ask for the case to be dismissed as there's no valid legal claim being made, and GGG will press for you to pay their legal fees. Such a request will doubtlessly be granted, too, as judges tend to frown upon those bringing spurious cases that waste their time. But don't let me talk you out of your bad idea. :)
“Please understand that imposing strong negative views regarding our team on to other players when you are representing our most helpful forum posters is not appropriate.” — GGG 2022


I'm not 'Sarno' on Discord. I don't know who that is.

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