Gauntlet Playground SSFHC

If there're any spots left I would love to join !!
caio1471 wrote:
If there're any spots left I would love to join !!

Full, but keep adding spots trough crowdfunding
Hi I'd like to get in on the action, happy to crowdfund
I want join. How to donate?
MCSMvsME wrote:
I want join. How to donate?

Everyone should be in now. u can donate by crowdfunding for 10 more spots to the league so more people can join! Thanks
League full. Need people to crowdfund for more spots to open. Thanks!
Inv uwu :3
Facoquero wrote:
Inv uwu :3

You ned to crowdfund for more spots or wait until people leave
Can you invite me pls
Applied, would appreciate an invite! :)

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