Feedback on Colourblind Support for Gem Sockets

How exactly am I suppose to see this when I don't play the game with the UI zoomed in by 400%?

It's hard enough just seeing where the links are, let alone a tiny sliver.

Make this way more pronounced, like ...I dunno, different shapes than just 4 colored circles?
You did not define your problem due to a lack of understanding it or appreciating it. If you are going to "solve" the issue of sockets and customers with color blindness then your solution must be a level playing field with a non-color blind person in all scenarios. Imagine you have a 6 linked item and are trying to roll 3 off colors with stacks of chromes. Do you really think the miniscule lines are a solution and they can reroll colors on their item as quickly?

Before you can work on a solution, please understand what the problem is.... that may be applicable to other aspects of the game design as well.
For my specific color deficiency, this looks like it would work just fine. I don't have a problem distinguishing blue or white sockets. I do have a problem with red and green and this works well for me.
I just checked on the Path of Exile community and I'm over the moon to see the response to Harvest! Even when you're super confident in a launch, you're always afraid people will hate it or something terrible will happen. It's such a relief and a joy to see how happy everyone is! - Bex 20 Jun 2020
[Removed by Support] Did no one even bother to suggest that merely changing the shapes of different color sockets might be vastly superior in every conceivable metric?
Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Sep 1, 2021, 5:30:08 PM
B is Blue
R is for Red
G is for Green
W is for dummies! LOLOLOL
terrible solution to a problem you had already solved on beta and deliberately removed and then ignored for years.
tbh this is insulting to many colourblind players.

hoping you take some of the proposed solutions in this thread.

btw, if you want to see for yourself if a solution is good enough then take screenshots *of the entire game (not zoomed in), put over a monochrome filter (black and white) and see if someone else in your office can reasonably fast identify the colours on your items.
if they cant, then whatever solution you came up with doesnt suffice, simple as that.
When you socket a gem and drop the item on the ground, the socket looks empty, I have always thought that should be the default for items, since it looks empty.

If I recall correctly, back in beta, the sockets looked different for each color, why not make that an option in the UI settings?
WHaT We Do iN LiFe, eCHoeS iN eTeRNiTY
I'm not colorblind, but this 'notch' is hard to see. Even on screenshots it's hardly noticeable. I think that in game it's will be totally inconspicuous.

Best solution is change the shape. Colorblind players can't see... colours, you know. But all who not totally blind can see shapes.

P.S.: I understand that obvious things is hard to accept for you, like many other obvious things in your game, because you have your vision of how it be. But, really, at least one time - do something what PLAYERS want, not you with your 'vision'.
E = mc^(OMG)/wtf
Post 1 of asking ggg to make Ethereal knives a viable skill.
good that GGG start make Colourblind Support! gj GGG!
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