Feedback on Colourblind Support for Gem Sockets

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BlazeSTX wrote:
Wow! Statistically there should be less than 0.02% of the population colorblind, and like 80% of the with chance of fast leaving.
AND You are noticing them while the rest 99% of the population is absolutely unhappy, and start to hate the game, and you are ignoring them ?!

Actually, it's 1 in 12 men that have red/green colour deficiency.
While it's nice to see some changes for us that has a hard time to distinguish colors, it's still incredibly hard to actually see anything, either the lines need to be a lot wider, or there need to be two of them so it's actually possible to see them.

I understand that we're not a lot that has this issue but I also know of people that aren't colorblind that has a hard time now and then. I want to thank GGG for acknowledging that something can be made and I hope something is made that makes it easier for us.

Thank you.
Great idea, the notches are maybe even too small. And yes, blue should either point top left or top right instead of top. Use the 4th option for white sockets maybe?

Would even use it tho i'm not colorblind. There are lots of people don't even knowing and/or admitting they are colorblind, esp. those with weak red/green vision.

Edit: maybe even add a corresponding notch overlay to the gems?
Last edited by LeChris_POE on Sep 1, 2021, 7:54:58 AM
DeeUU8938 wrote:
BlazeSTX wrote:
Wow! Statistically there should be less than 0.02% of the population colorblind, and like 80% of the with chance of fast leaving.
AND You are noticing them while the rest 99% of the population is absolutely unhappy, and start to hate the game, and you are ignoring them ?!

Actually, it's 1 in 12 men that have red/green color deficiency.

I am working with peoples. Having touch (unfortunately and unpleasantly for me) with more than 3000 employees and subcontractor's employees.
As far as I know there is just 1 ( ONE ) case with witched green to more like red on the whole company.
So I can assure you that this is just false statement.
Aside of that - most of the colorblind peoples rarely play games, and most of these which do play - rarely play RPG, and most of these which does play RPG rarely play PoE.
Statistic is a b**ch.
I was silenced for telling the name of USA president for 40 days.
I was silenced for stating "I am Jesus" for 5 days.
Maybe it is time the deeds of the moderators to become public, so peoples understand that they hired a cheap mods which enforcing their "woke" agenda on players.
Last edited by BlazeSTX on Sep 1, 2021, 7:55:48 AM
BlazeSTX wrote:
DeeUU8938 wrote:
BlazeSTX wrote:
Wow! Statistically there should be less than 0.02% of the population colorblind, and like 80% of the with chance of fast leaving.
AND You are noticing them while the rest 99% of the population is absolutely unhappy, and start to hate the game, and you are ignoring them ?!

Actually, it's 1 in 12 men that have red/green color deficiency.

I am working with peoples. Having touch (unfortunately and unpleasantly for me) with more than 3000 employees and subcontractor's employees.
As far as I know there is just 1 ( ONE ) case with witched green to more like red on the whole company.
So I can assure you that this is just false statement.
Aside of that - most of the colorblind peoples rarely play games, and most of these which do play - rarely play RPG, and most of these which does play RPG rarely play PoE.
Statistic is a b**ch.
Meanwhile the abyss socket is laughing at all the other sockets.
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Jamesborg99 wrote:
I'm not a coloblind person, but is there not a problem with Blue pointing up and links also pointing up?

If you don't see a notch, its blue. I am not color blind and this may be an inconvenient answer, but after a quick look you can determine the color.
Notches are too small. Blue notch shouldn't be in that position, thicker and bolder notches, Blue = 1 notch pointing NW. Green = 2 notches one pointing NW and the other NE. Red = 3 notches, one for each NW, NE and SE. White (just to fit in the scheme) = 4 notches NW,NE,SE and SW. Abyssal socket = no notches

lastly Old PoE gem sockets did a far better work of at differing socket colors than these new notches.

PS: Just in case of doubt, NW,NE,SE,SW are the cardinal points.
As a colorblind person, I can tell you that we can see tonality. Which means differences in light and dark. That being said, white gems and sockets will still stand out for colorblind folks. the biggest problem we have is in distinguishing red from green. The simplest fix would be to change the green gems and sockets for colorblind mode to yellow. That would solve that problem. The only other problem that I have, is that I RIP to ground effects and degens CONSTANTLY because I cannot see them. If the degen effects that bosses and certain mobs have was brighter or a color that I could distinguish from the background, the game would be much more pleasant for me. Or - If my character had a sound que, alerting that they were dying - that would be better. It is very difficult to see little red corrupting blood orbs all over my character on a brown or green background. Why can't my guy just start screaming?! That would be AWESOME and immersive. Who stands on burning ground and just is silent? I screamed last night when my hand touched the hot stove.

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