Feedback on Colourblind Support for Gem Sockets

These are tiny, even as a non-colourblind person I can't see them :/
When you press Alt to see more detailed information it would be nice if it would say "6 Linked" or "5 Linked" etc
I have to assume that you are asking the broader community about aesthetics, since there's no reason to ask us non-colorblind folk about functionality. I assume you've done that part already and landed here.

Maybe make them a bit thicker to be more noticeable and add 3 notches for white since it is all colors combined. I like that the directions correspond to the skill tree. I'm not in love with the notches, but they are better than the community posted ideas. Shapes, letters, serifs etc are just going to make something that currently looks clean busier than it needs to be.
The attempt to keep it simple is nice. However this doesn't give that oomph I need to really see a major notice. If I have to stop and stare for little markers to notice a difference, Then its not doing it job well in order to help. Cause straining your eyes to notice small differences can be just as bad.

Having my issues with my eyesight (weird case) I would like something more distinguishable on impact at first glance then something subtle.

Shapes are a great way for this. Another option instead of having simple markers in certain spots. You can make deeper thicker engravings around the gem like here with notches but more harsher on aesthetic. Waves for one, Spiral from another ect ect.

Thanks for taking your time to address something that isn't a major community concern to help some of us who suffer from this problem. But I do feel there is a better solution than this. visit my channel and judge me first!
im colorblind and this is a awsome idea... thats gotta be one of the toughtest things for me. im red/green colorblind so the blue ponting up is no problem for me because blue is the easiest to see the red and green are a differnt factor tho. thats my input
As a colorblind player who is new to the game, I really appreciate this effort. While this step helps distinguish one color socket from another, it doesn't do much to solve the bigger problem (at least for me) of quickly and easily seeing which gems can go into which sockets.

I usually have to just pick up a gem and move it around to see where it will fit, which makes equipping new skill gems(or swapping items) really time consuming.
After 10 years of reverting the previous change, why bother doing this at all now with PoE 2 on the horizon and the new gem changes? So weird.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
That's the kind of failed problem solving I see from GGGT for a couple of years now :(
“Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.”
― Christopher Hitchens
My QoL List:
You need clear readable shapes! Imagine recoloring a 6 socket Armour with three offcolors with your nose at your monitor identifying where the notches are pointing...
First, if you want true feedback from color seeing folks, then maybe you should present your idea to them in grayscale. They will better understand the struggle and be able to give better feedback appropriate to the issue. Second, whatever you decide to do, the white socket should include the changes from all three colors since all the colors can use this socket. Otherwise logic would dictate the white socket in your example appears it cannot be used by any of the colors since it has no markers. Third, you are spot on with the idea that the marker points in the direction of the appropriate stat from the skill tree. Keep on with that. Lastly, what I might do. Make the area of the marker instead of a skinny line an area of the colored circle that covers 120° of the arc of the circle in the proper direction outlined above. Make this 120° area colored white with black edges to promote extra contrast from other colors. Then the white socket would turn out being all 360° of the colored circle being white with 3 black lines that would have been the edges of each 120° arc. It's a bit more intrusive on the current design, but in my opinion much more of a functional change to assist your target audience.

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