Recent Topics from Community Podcasts

Adding crafting options for: Cannot be Shocked, Cannot be Chilled, Cannot be Ignited, Cannot be Poisoned, Take no extra damage from Bleed while Moving, Cannot be Frozen.
I really would like to know why everything but bleed is straight forward immunity. See no reason to not have "Bleeding cannot be inflicted on you" instead:)

In the future, we'll shuffle map layouts in and out of the Atlas between expansions in the same way that we rotate Zana mods.
And again, I wish we had maps pool rotation instead of Zana mods shuffle. Currently, Zana mods are determine so much for my mapping plans in every league, specially with things that aren't that accessible otherwise (best example is Zana's Essence modifier that either enable Haewark Hamlet essence farm or not, but things like Breach / Harbinger / Legion etc are also quite important). I rather have all or most of the Zana mods in every league so I can decide which kind of content I want to try and then fully invest into it (with scarabs, Zana mod, Atlas passives etc), right now it feels like "why should I do that if there is no Zana mod for this during this league". Maybe only rotate expensive mods like Blight, Delirium, Ritual, or rework it in some other way, since you doing a lot of Atlas changes anyway.
Our 3.17 expansion in January includes a full rework of the Atlas of Worlds and Path of Exile's end-game mechanics.

3.17 in January? Are you sure.
3.15 launched on 24 Jul and run till end Oct.
3.16 launches in early Nov and runs till end Jan.
This is already very tight, although according to 12-13 month cycle.

Unless you are thinking of ending 3.15 early.
Last edited by suitto on Aug 29, 2021, 9:35:30 PM
Unless you are thinking of ending 3.15 early.

The wish of many I'm sure... but no we're stuck with this patch for 2 months and coins.

As long the same macrocoressf pablos are doing things on the league on twitch not much is gonna change.

They should for starter end this league early or release special events. I'm sure some people don't want 3.15 patch as flashback of anything considering the nerfs on everything.
Don't be a poe stan. Use your fucking brain.
In 3.16, we plan to further nerf Fortify to bring it in line with its intended use as a defensive tool for melee characters.

More in line with what exactly? It is a 20% less damage taken buff and you can still get one shotted while it is active, it is not like it is OP or anything, you know?

Chris also talked about an internal gameplay mode that he and the other founders were toying with, focussed around extreme item scarcity. It's worth noting that the discussion of this "Hard Mode" was to provide context for how we're investigating potential changes to the item system in a relatively clean sandbox. We'll post more about "Hard Mode'' in its own post in the coming weeks if we decide it's something we want to release publicly.

Release it! Don't back out on this one please.

They should for starter end this league early or release special events. I'm sure some people don't want 3.15 patch as flashback of anything considering the nerfs on everything.

Yeah flashback with current nerfs won't do any good.
Well, so I guess wait for podcast every week, and last it out till Oct.
For me am just reading more on alternative defensive mechanisms, since fortify will be nerfed for non-melee. Not sure if block may get some hammering too.
When Expedition goes core?
I don't want Expedition to go core. =(
Softcore, solo self-found.
----- Currently: -----
Power Siphon Locus Mine Trickster in Settlers of Kalguur
Please not only disfavour... There are many items from elder, shaper and maven that are almost never used. Hopeshredder, nebuloch, shimmeron and disintegrator needs to get their self degen reduced or completely removed to be usable. Most of the impresences, eternity shroud and blasphemer's grasp is almost never used. Every shaper drop is a complete joke besides dying sun. Maven's only expensive drop is maven's orb. I get that its already a very good for crafting mirror tier endgame gear but most players dont even use it cuz it requires too much investment both economically and mentally. Its basicly a 5ex (or whatever its price at that moment) drop for me... Shortly, buff spesific boss drops generally and make them more rare. Please...
Prophecy being one of the more fun and accessible mechanics for me, I'd like some information on how it's going, if it in fact is, so I can at least get something out of my backlog of chain prophecies...
Awakened Combustion Support when?
archzilllla wrote:
It's cute that harvest isn't even mentioned once, Chris must truly hate it.

I've never had more fun than harvest league, deterministic crafting is what the game needed. It's sad to see you doubling down on shit gamble crafting.

They talked at length about it and nothing of value was gained in their discussion. Players want deterministic crafting and GGG wants a slower game and views Harvest as a terrible mistake and even now wants it dialed back from the awful implementation it already has. The takeaway is, don't expect any similarly good crafting options any time soon - at least, none that are intended.

Phixus wrote:
While we have already reduced some of the mana nerfs early in Expedition, we will continue to keep an eye on this.

Spell slinger still dead

Reserve tons of mana to auto cast, but you also pay the mana cost


Amazing work

Keep an eye on that dead spell ty

LOL. One of the best builds in the game currently...that can farm t14-t16 deli maps is an Eye of Winter Spellslinger. Spellslinger isn't dead. It just requires more investment into mana costs/reservations.

Also, one of the first guardian kills in this league came from a spellslinger build.

Eye Of Winter SS:

Ah yes, new skills being built incredibly specifically around new mechanics can be made to work... very specifically. Chris and Mathil definitely agree with you on this. That's what we need - more laser-focused, pigeonholed builds that can be built only one or two ways. I hated using Spellslinger for leveling and having 4 spells running at once - it wasn't OP, but it was fun, so it had to go.

Take out Eye of Winter and Hydrosphere this patch and where is the viability of the older, dozens of great SS builds? Yeah, they're dead, no exaggeration.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0

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