Community Livestream with Chris Wilson, Zizaran and Mathil This Week

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"All that fancy sword swinging when all you need is one good stab."
will they discus why they have worst players retention in poe history this league? ;)
Damage control let's gooooooo
stop messing around and give us 3.13 back -_- it was best poe ever.

not we are playing wrong. its u trying to force us to play wrong. forcing will never be welcomed. listen at least once to comunity in right way. its not our problem u didnt liked fracture maps(because it kills servers(not economy) ofcourse,no other reason imo to delete endgame replayability from game). its not our problem you didnt liked harvest(because it makes all old content feels outdated and we get nothing new)

we need real endgame grind that will be replayable. not shaper/elder omg. old bosses is not endgame anymore and you forcing us to feel they are. its more demanded to give us grindy and rewarding content like juiced maps or deep delve, that what kept interested for months. running for a potential literally few alchs dont inspire anyone, everyone want to chase big fish, not runing in magic gear is a dream.

why you only nerf and delete not giving anything in exchange? im really concerned about future of project. its already hard enough and new players with 2k deaths in acts is new reality, noone will like that 'welcome' thrown in their face and just leave, even old casual players.

new acts is not what game need. it need new endgame first.
hope my words wont be {removed by support} and will be heard right. there is no hate in my words.
10pm eu is pretty late but i guess it cant be helped.
Awesome. Baeclast was pretty pogies.
Woooop! Looking forward to it!

Some random rant I for some reason posted here... I edited it into a spoiler lol.

My thoughts:

1. Instead of harvest nerf they should have introduced a new tier of rares that could roll even more powerful mods but weren't harvest craftable. That's how you deal with harvest without the kind of backlash they got, I think.

2. Instead of nerfing player damage they should have buffed monster HP. There is a psychological reason behind the

power creep -> stat squish -> power creep cycle

it simply feels better. You can call psychology childish if you want, but in the end not being psychologically smart usually is just low EQ. Someone told me a shark can't survive if it stops moving forward. I think that can be applied to many things in our current day and age. But noone said a shark can't move in a cycle.

3. The inventory is just a part of the UI. Meaning is not derived from picking things up. Meaning is derived from goals, dreams, accomplishments and progress. If PoE is designed to be very grindy and played forever, you cannot expect the milionth splinter a player picks up to matter. At all. Which is why it's just a tedious click.

4. Don't let D2 be a burden on PoE.

5. General "don't do this" wall of text coming up:

Don't try to force players to enjoy past things that they already got their fill of by nerfing and taking away the new stuff.
- Make new things. Or make the old stuff new (by buffing, remaking, remastering or spicing it up, etc).

Don't try to force players to complete goals that they already achieved by nerfing away their accomplishments.
- Make new goals. Or make the old goals relevant again because the old goals now got harder versions, not because the players were turned into cripples who now struggle to open doors.

Don't try to force players to play through content that they already finished by making the player so weak or other options so bad that they literally have to give up on all the alternatives they used to prefer.

Don't take away new things based on nostalgia.

I'm not gonna complain that everything is favouring RNG. If you want to methodically earn your way and get what you worked for, you need to overpay for fusing etc. You can't feel good about steady progress without letting someone else take the risk of using the "currency" (lottery tickets). I get that that's just the way it is in this game. This seems to be a design decision I will just have to endure for as long as I play this game and despite this side of it, I've played this game a lot.

The other things are stuff I think that GGG have simply done in not the best way lately though.

Stop putting the garage back into the game just because you miss it.

Nitpicking: I feel like the the expedition immunities seems like an experiment with the past. Kind of makes you feel like GGG decided that they were done being grown-up designers somehow and just wanted to do bad design again. Stuff like gradual things, challenges you can overcome, outplay, not randomly gating stuff behind "you should have been a completely different build"... out with that. In with immunities.
Gravity is just a prejudice. A part of Earth's jurisdiction. As an apache helicopter, I find that very oppressive.
Last edited by Zorajin on Aug 17, 2021, 5:03:15 AM
Let's go Ziz and Mathil. Pog
Super with another interview and update on moving forward with PoE, but we have already heard all about the hardcore experience and builds.

Why not get someone who really can adress the problems with the economy of the game, where are Gaz, Grimo, Path of math..... in this whole thing.

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