Expedition PlayStation Launch Update


no you do not lose all progress, if your character was in ultimatum league, it will get transferred to standard league with all items from league. you can continue playing it there if you please.

if you want to play the new league content, then yes you have to start from act one on a brand new character with an empty stash.

the league system works as an economy reset with a new mechanic to enjoy every 3 months
misaulises wrote:
devildawgbigb wrote:
Man this really sucks I was already bummed that the character I've been playing was going straight to standard but I was like eh it's all good atleast I'll get to start on a league that just might get a bunch of currency since I can't seem to get any decent drops but nope now I just get an error when I log in bout how I need the patch. Even though I've already got the patch downloaded and I spent two hours freaking out until I finally got this post ....
this is my first league update. Do we loose all achieved status after new league release? Means I need to play from the beginning with a new build? Or I can continue my previous build with the character?

You need to start fresh on a new league as my characters got shafted to the standard league.
misaulises wrote:
this is my first league update. Do we loose all achieved status after new league release? Means I need to play from the beginning with a new build? Or I can continue my previous build with the character?

If you log in to your old character, you will be in "standard". Many fewer players play standard, and it doesn't have the new league mechanic (Expedition), but has all the other changes (like the flask and mana changes).

I highly recommend playing the League. Even though you have to start over with a new character (can be same class or different), there's way more players, and the league start is often very exciting (if also often marred by launch issues, especially on console).
Deleted another one! Off topic was the reason! So our comments have to be on the topic? Wow. How's this for on topic.... let's watch a countdown timer on PSN for expedition league to launch on XBOX and tell the PSN community after the timer runs out that it isn't launching for PSN. Only for XBOX. Then proceed to push microtransactions and delete posts "you" GGG consider negative or off topic! Let's start at the absolute fact that this game barley runs on PSN and I have a PS5 and this game still crashed frequently during maps on ritual(and this game has been released how long ago?) Answer... 8 years.... still don't work on console. Shaper and Elder almost unplayable but you have yet to even fix the very fundamentals of this game for it to work properly on PSN console. Cant play in groups for the game runs worse and worse for every player you add to your group... but let's ignore these issues that have never been fixed and continue to push out content that wasn't even tested before launch. Delete that GGG... the truth hurts... you and us.
milsvaard wrote:
KashinWar66 wrote:
Give us compensation for this whole 4 hour wait and thanks GGG for f**king this up.

It's a free to play game bro, They don't owe you anything. Also, the service will be established so no.

i would be with you if this happens one or two times in a Game's Lifecycle.

But almost every second League? That's not how it should be, and shows how they are all on it for the PC to work because there are their "Advertisment Machines aka Streamers". Free Advertisment for an amazing Game.

And almost no one streams this Game on Consoles, so no free advertisment for them. That's why we are lower tier players i think. But if nothing will change and we will not get more attention, this will not change.

This are two sides of one Coin. GGG wants more money, so the have tu ensure that EVERYONE will enjoy it. No matter which Platform we play on. But this will not happen.

There are just a few things to make it better... Care a little bit more about Console Players (we have to wait one week more for league start, so it isn't impossible to test everything before the estimatet Start), be a little bit more transperent if something isn't working and tell us before, and not afterwards.

Think about that.
Last edited by DrSicness on Jul 29, 2021, 4:18:33 PM
KashinWar66 wrote:
misaulises wrote:
devildawgbigb wrote:
Man this really sucks I was already bummed that the character I've been playing was going straight to standard but I was like eh it's all good atleast I'll get to start on a league that just might get a bunch of currency since I can't seem to get any decent drops but nope now I just get an error when I log in bout how I need the patch. Even though I've already got the patch downloaded and I spent two hours freaking out until I finally got this post ....
this is my first league update. Do we loose all achieved status after new league release? Means I need to play from the beginning with a new build? Or I can continue my previous build with the character?

You need to start fresh on a new league as my characters got shafted to the standard league.

Or play it on standard :)
Many people talk about the F2P game, that they don't have to compensate ... and some other things they say.

What I see is the following: In a post about the launch of the league on PS4 they inform us that "the good news is that they can play on XBOX".

Next time try to make the hatred more subtle. GGG

4 hours no notice.
cammoflauge5 wrote:

no you do not lose all progress, if your character was in ultimatum league, it will get transferred to standard league with all items from league. you can continue playing it there if you please.

if you want to play the new league content, then yes you have to start from act one on a brand new character with an empty stash.

the league system works as an economy reset with a new mechanic to enjoy every 3 months
thanks for the info bro. I get it now. I d rather start new build and new player in the new league accordingly. Screw that witch and the minions. Imma try other type. I have the excuse now.
Last edited by misaulises on Jul 29, 2021, 4:20:28 PM
AKelley42 wrote:
Here is the sad part, I love this game. I could play it on PC, but I prefer not to. I didn't complain about "prices for this or that are cheaper on PC", when I played trade leagues. I don't complain when I die in HC because the game freezes, crashes, etc. it's the risk I take. I will continue to play POE, on console, even though it seems like they don't care about console players. Soon enough, if they continue to treat us like second class citizens, something better will come along that grabs us the way POE did and they will have lost all of us. Until that point, none of our bitching, whining, threatening to leave, etc. will amount to anything. We continue to play because no matter how frustrated we get at times, we love the game. At this point, I'm going to go do something else and come back to POE tomorrow. I will hope the problem will be resolved by then, if not, possibly the next day . . . or not, we will see.

계속되는 동안 멋진 게임이었습니다. 항상 우리를 3등으로 취급하는 게임에 실제 돈을 투자해서 정말 죄송합니다. 습격이 그 가장 큰 증거, 이미 마지막 지푸라기 It was a good game while it lasted, the only thing I regret is having invested real in this game that always treated us as third class, heist was clear proof of that and every blue screen league, now this. I never thought I would get to know where the toxic thing was not their community but that they are the creators
fue un buen juego mientras duró, lo único que lamento es haber invertido real en este juego que siempre nos trató como tercera clase, heist fue prueba clara de eso y cada liga pantalla azul, ahora esto. Jamás creí llegar a conocer donde lo tóxico no fuera su comunidad si no que son los creadores
QQPQ wrote:
misaulises wrote:
this is my first league update. Do we loose all achieved status after new league release? Means I need to play from the beginning with a new build? Or I can continue my previous build with the character?

If you log in to your old character, you will be in "standard". Many fewer players play standard, and it doesn't have the new league mechanic (Expedition), but has all the other changes (like the flask and mana changes).

I highly recommend playing the League. Even though you have to start over with a new character (can be same class or different), there's way more players, and the league start is often very exciting (if also often marred by launch issues, especially on console).
thanks!!! ;) I appreciate the info

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