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However, because you can immediately stash them into the Expedition Locker after an encounter, the variety of currency types doesn't really cause additional inconvenience.

In the same league that you attempted to get rid of flask piano, you added twenty forms of currency that have to be clicked more than once - one time to pick them up and one time per resulting inventory stack to put them into the locker.

Maybe look into changing the dialogue option from the NPCs that opens the locker into one which automatically deposits ALL of your relics into the locker with one click? Seems like a good middle ground between azurite/metamorph organ automatic collection and the click heavy implementation we have now, and it should be reasonably simple to make the code reusable and apply it to other things.
Galtrovan wrote:
Don_Haggato wrote:

im pretty curious how u plan to get new players, balancing the game this way. especially, new players who have jobs to buy your mtx...

In my opinion, GGG believes they will make more money from MTX purchases if they "make people put more hours into the game". I say the exact opposite of this is true.

The nerfs will continue until morale improves.
Well at least you guys figured it out

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i got no problem with the balance changes tbh, i like the idea of nerfing the high end of players so you can balance the game for the rest of us plebs.

but the league mechanic is boring and slow, at least before endgame, haven't gotten very far yet.

i'm not a big fan of most of the new skills either, but that's subjective. they're just not all that fun to use for me, and none of them feel very unique in the actual animation/interaction with the world. like, cyclone and blade flurry feel wildly different even though they're both melee aoe channeling attacks, but nothing in this patch feels unique, it's just sticking new mechanics on familiar skill types
Last edited by The_Wuggly_Ump on Jul 26, 2021, 1:42:38 PM
I'm a lvl 100 Toxic Rain Trickster in standard league, and I have alot of mana regen on equipment and jewels in my tree. With the new mana multipliers Its pointless to have a 6 link Bow because I can only run 3 support gems with it. Glad to hear that your adjusting it. I've tried every combination of support gems and I'm stuck using a 4 link setup as is. I cant comment on the league, because I don't play leagues,
But the nerfs just hurt us casual players who are just trying to be able to beat sirus solo.....
What a shame. It took me months to truly learn everything in the game and get really good at putting a character together. This game has always been very hard. I work 40+ hours a week and if I want to hit end game and really grind the season and max out a build with the best of everything I have to invest hours a day after work and play every day I’m off. It’s like a full time job next to a real full time job but with Poe I enjoy it lol. But now the game is just that much harder. No way man. Honestly it’s not worth it now. What a shame

I've never played spells in this game nor was I interested.But I just saw a streamer say that his 6 link blight has gone from 16 to 32 mana cost.A SPELL , go figure.Meanwhile on my dumbass 0 int gladiator I was using 30+ mana for a 6 link ATTACK now went up to 50+.

Makes 0 sense.Are we the wizards Harry?
I do not envy GGG job in trying to balance a game as complex and difficult to balance as POE.

I also realize that with their economic model they probably make the vast majority of their revenue from a relatively small percentage of their player base.

I have probably invested about $100-$150 or so into POE and that likely makes my voice a pretty small one.

That said, I am sure there is a lot of pressure to balance the game around the top revenue providers and the streamers which are a large chunk of the marketing budget.

I love many elements of POE. I love making my own builds, playing SSF and mostly hardcore. I play standard now due to dying from lag too many times, but if I die I delete my character and start over and dont try to cheat death with a macro or logging out.

So even though I am a very experienced player I do not really go far into Maps usually. I actually think that the entire endgame of POE is really dull and the sheer grind of Maps eventually burns me out and Delve is just convoluted just to be convoluted it seems. I would love to see better end game content.

That said I think that GGG needs to re-evaluate how they balance the game to make it fun for all.

They should really identify the categories of players they have and then balance around all of them to make the best experience. Not just the .1%. You may not love SSF but you should balance it to make it more enjoyable for the likely sizable portion of your gamer base that does.

As an example, I sort of like the Act 1 changes and I think that more interesting boss fights always make a game better but to be honest in an ARPG the first act should not really be hard. The difficulty should ramp steadily in the game. In this new patch it sort of assumes you are a veteran.

Despite loving much of POE, I still think GGG is very close off in what they consider "fun" namely trading and incessant grind.

To be honest some mechanics in POE are just not fun on any level. The whole # of sockets/linked/color dynamic needs to be completely overhauled. POE2 will obviously get rid of linking, but to be honest the entire color element should be rethought.

It is VERY unfun to find an item and not be able to use it because the sockets are wrong and I dont have enough currency to grind my way to being able to use it.

A FAR better system would be to allow any gem to be used in any socket, but there is like a quality bonus for using the gem in the right colored socket. All sockets should be linked and the amount of sockets should really be the only variable from drops or jewelers.

Also you can keep the rarity of 5 and 6 sockets the way it is now but using a jewelers should NEVER reduce the number of sockets it has.

The fun of using a skill should be from the skill tree support gems and support skills but not from the grind of using an item to begin with.

You really need to consider all of these elemnents. I also know you wont which is sad.

Rippster wrote:
Galtrovan wrote:
Don_Haggato wrote:

im pretty curious how u plan to get new players, balancing the game this way. especially, new players who have jobs to buy your mtx...

In my opinion, GGG believes they will make more money from MTX purchases if they "make people put more hours into the game". I say the exact opposite of this is true.


So basically everything is fine except mana cost which will be slightly lowered. Every other decision GGG made is correct. All other problems are the player's fault.
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