Game Balance in Path of Exile: Expedition

Buunaucht wrote:
I'll say it one more time; BUFF BOSS DROPS!

I can deal with all these ridiculous nerfs, although the game is NOT as fun as it was in delirium/heist. But if I kill another hundred end game bosses and get nothing in return I have no reason to play this game anymore. It's like working without getting paid. speaking of getting paid... nvm

Never seen a gaming community so angry and rightfully so. It's like when a baby is crying and instead of helping the baby you 1-shot it over and over with no rewards...

oh hey, one of the first complaints in this thread that actually makes sense

If you nerf the damage support gems, people will have less damage, so they will need more of the support gems, that increase damage. You are not making utility support gems more attractive, you are making them less attractive. That's how your game works, dealing damage is not an optional thing. You need to do a certain amount of damage and after this you can invest in fancy stuff to increase your area, mobility, survivability or such. But damage comes first because this is how you designed the game.

I do find the flask changes promising, however. I am bad at flask piano while trying to sort out my skills so I barely ever did that anyway and now having triggered flasks - that does sound nice.
The numbers nerfs is nothing that frighten me a ton, there will be decent starter builds as always, we will maybe have a more strict approach in our gearing and if solo get stuck a bit here or there or rerolling during yellow maps because we can't salvage our build, like for example syrius 8 day 3 seems unrealistical for most solo players but it's ok.

The thing that "kills" me is the clearspeed nerf. They nerfed ms, movement skills and on top of it some source of onslaugh. I'm genuinely baffled because it will be a fun killer for everyone. The ability to move fast in a game is healthy for it, why did they had to gut it...
Last edited by galuf on Jul 20, 2021, 11:36:53 AM
I likes the changes.
Eat Sleep Repeat
Last edited by benhonda03 on Jul 20, 2021, 12:13:47 PM
Buunaucht wrote:
I'll say it one more time; BUFF BOSS DROPS!

I can deal with all these ridiculous nerfs, although the game is NOT as fun as it was in delirium/heist. But if I kill another hundred end game bosses and get nothing in return I have no reason to play this game anymore. It's like working without getting paid. speaking of getting paid... nvm

Never seen a gaming community so angry and rightfully so. It's like when a baby is crying and instead of helping the baby you 1-shot it over and over with no rewards...

Nonono sir.

It is RNG. You know. Becouse RNG is fun ... or?
Slam exalts (what you cant drop) on items is fun hm?
RNG to find some craft is fun hm?
Or RNG to find league boss ... XD

But ... this is not just PoE. Its Path of Wallstreet too. You know it good from trade SC hm?
When we drop more good items, what we do on trade? Price run down, more players can buy it omfg. Nonono. You must pay much more to party finders or streamers. Bcs we love our streamers.
And ofc, when we have low price for items ... what we can do with bot farmers :( They want eat too :( Or shady currency for real money ...
GGG must protect them ....
I feel like this is just a beta testing league in preparation for PoE 2 and this is the start of Phase 1. Next league for Phase 2, will see many more changes to bring everything in line and more balanced, such as boosting player base level defenses to account for losses in DPS, reduced ailment immunity, and reduced flask effectiveness.
Last edited by NickRyan779 on Jul 20, 2021, 11:41:29 AM
Great Job!
Why do people assume that when a skill is nerfed means you can't play it. I am still going to use everything like normal. Melee physical damage or archmage are still in the game why are people acting like nerfing means can't play it. Just enjoy the game and try and make a strong build with what they give you, that's the challenge and fun aspect of poe.

I hate that mentality people have of nerfing something means not playing it like its gone from the game.
So nerf to movement speed, DPS and defense but the mobs hit just as hard as before?
Yeah, as a player with time constraints this will be fun.
Can't waith enough for antoher "subtle fuckery" start in this nerf infested cesspool. At least you have enough sheeps left that will mindlessly buy all your supporter packs and drink this s***e like prime Champagne while White Knighting you like there is no tomorrow.

*sarcasam on* KUTGW GGG.

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