A couple of weeks ago, we announced that Mystery Bags were available to those who were interested in purchasing the remaining merchandise stock that was sold at ExileCon. We still have a number of these available to purchase as well as a limited number of the exclusive Solaris and Lunaris statues that were created for the event.

We have around 1,000 mystery bags left, if you missed out on attending the event in person, this may be your last chance to purchase merchandise from ExileCon. You can find out more about the bags and how to purchase one of them here.

We still have around 100 of the Solaris and Lunaris statues in stock. These statues were created for ExileCon and depict the eternal fight between Solaris and Lunaris; the goddesses of the sun and moon. If you would like more information on how to purchase one of these limited edition statues, visit our previous post here.

Update: The one bag per person limit has been removed. If you're keen to purchase another Mystery Bag, please get in touch with our Merchandise team at merch@grindinggear.com
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Grinding Gear Games
Cool. My Exilecon bag has been shipped few days back already, but I will prolly inquire about the statue anyways.
Persistence makes impossible possible, possible likely and likely definite. Yep, Mirror will drop eventually -_-
Last edited by N4rk0tyk on Jul 7, 2021, 6:51:27 PM
Wow!! Very cool 3xG!!
Statues definitely very nice. I got a lot of other figures and such, think most ive paid has been like $200 soo far. $500 is steep for me, but im sure youll have no issues getting rid of the other 100.

Maybe you guys can even keep a few and use them as event prizes later on even ? Doesnt seem like a bad idea imo.
Harvest sucks! But look at my decked out gear two weeks in!

Labyrinth salt farm miner.

"But my build diversity" , "Game is too hard!" - Meta drone playing the same 1-3 builds for years.
As far as I'm concerned, Solaris and Lunaris are just the orb girls from previous iterations of PoE, gone full Neo. Cute concept, but nothing that particularly interests me. I didn't even know figurines of them were a thing, but I'm sure there are plenty of folks out there who want one (or more).

I am, however, giving serious thought to ordering a second ExileCon swag bag... and my first one hasn't even gotten here yet.

Yeah, I'm hopeless. :p
"People ask me why I do this at my age. People are rude."
From the quote I got, the shipping cost is 54% of the price of the statue itself (in my case), I'm struggling.
Savour these moments, for they may never return.
Mystery Bugs Still Available ...
Statue is pretty sweet. Love mine.
It will convert your forum titles into decorative square badges that use the space next to your forum posts more economically so that you can show off an unlimited number of them at any one time. - GGG, 2018 (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3573673)
how do i get one of them statues
Call me back when I will be able to buy plushies directly, I only want them.
I can FLY!
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