Patch 3.14.3 - Engine Improvements Patch

where is this?

In the [GENERAL] section of the settings file, you can set cache_directory=x:\path\to\preferred\location to a folder on a faster drive.
Like before, you can cycle through the three Performance Metrics states (hidden, FPS/performance, latency-only) by pressing F1. In the settings file's [UI] section you can set performance_metrics_state=fps (or =latency or =hidden) to set the default state.
Getting FPS drops since this patch was applied. Ultimatums are barely playable now. Didn't have any problems with the same settings before this patch. (Renderer=Vulkan. Switching back to DX11 doesn't help.)

Loading times also went up.
Last edited by Amplifiction on Jul 8, 2021, 7:20:01 AM
Nice work and keep going in the upgrades just don't forget about the start of the league and the time people take to enter the server keep that in considerations of you and thanks
skjutengris wrote:
This engine patch makes the game run as intended, no more drops.
maxed out I stay at 60-70 fps and if turn off global illumination I go to 130+fps.
Stable fps, makes game fluid.
Vulkan rocks.

5600x, 1440p, vega56 a 4 year old card.
samsung 980 pro ssd nvme pci-4.

I consider to upgrade the gpu at some point but haven't been in a rush yet.

If you enjoy a game why not upgrade hardware so you can enjoy it better?

Better than the two large steps they took backwards in 3.13 and 3.14 perhaps?
Only performance improvement I've noted is texture streaming. It finally stopped.

Before 3.13 I was running DX11 simply for an extra 2-3 FPS. They destroyed it in that patch to unplayable frame drops so I switch to Vulkan. Since then DX11 still feels a bit twitchy.

In 3.14 I had been running Shadows + GI on High for 2ish years and rarely dropped under 70 FPS at 3440x1440p. Now idle at high is instantly -20FPS regardless of what's on the screen. I posted a video of this. I went to low with this patch.

Now I have Shadows + GI off in order to keep pre-3.13 performance.

6700k at 4.5ghz, 2070 at 2023mhz core, 960 Pro NVMe.
CPU is getting a bit old but native resolution keeps GPU my bottle neck in every other game.

EDIT: Come to think of it I might try to roll back drivers to pre-3.13 just to rule that out.
"Never trust floating women." -Officer Kirac
Last edited by Xzorn on Jul 8, 2021, 8:10:56 AM
whood wrote:
eduardo9723 wrote:
hmm nice, now i know the cause of my fps drop, is the "driver" thing.
btw what is this driver thing ? LoL
Can we get a info on what is this ?

It's "Drive". Probably slow hdd or not enough space on ssd.

Thanks, my game is installed in my SSD, and i have plenty of space.
Amplifiction wrote:
Getting FPS drops since this patch was applied. Ultimatums are barely playable now. Didn't have any problems with the same settings before this patch. (Renderer=Vulkan. Switching back to DX11 doesn't help.)

Loading times also went up.

I spent some hours running maps, lowering several settings while keeping an eye on the performance metrics (F1).

Now, all metrics are good except for CPU. I've seen it go as high as > 400ms. (At the start of Ultimatums for example.) Running PoE on an Intel Core i5-4690. (4 cores @ 3,5 Ghz. Multithreading is enabled.)

Again, I was able to play smoothly on higher settings before this patch.

Friends of mine report a performance increase after the patch. They all have Ryzen CPU's. (Ugh, the ONE time I didn't buy AMD in 20 years!)

When I also take my increased loading times into account, I wonder: did this patch introduce a bug that affects Intel processors?
"Engine Improvements Patch"
It got much worse than before atleast for me.
The problem is clear: Old Engine.

Still waiting for better results in future. Game is good but this engine is getting worse every league. Too much content for a bad engine optimized.

before 1920x1080p graphic medium/low 70 fps vulkan
now 1280×1024 graphic low low low disable, 40 50 fps, ultimatum and delirium 15 20fps impossible vulkan

i7 4770k
16gb 2666mhz
anyone attempt a factory reset??? Worked Wonders for me after this patch! :P
i experience more lag and more graphic bugs, it's so many that i have a hard time to believe that this patch was tested before launching it.
if that is the case then i have no words to describe how disappointed i am with that decision.
Last edited by wengbeng on Jul 8, 2021, 8:14:06 PM

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