Will Ultimatum Become a Core Game Mechanic?

Good decision, ultimatum was really repititive chore, mapping took too long.
Obviously the only right decision. Thanks!
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So this means we will have 3 months of alpha Ultimatum content, and mayyybbbe a polished version of it at some point in the future ?
It was so easy not to fuck up this league, its mechanics are so simple. [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Jun 29, 2021, 5:51:32 PM
usally its reaveal of new league about 2 weeks before it.

And this week we are just gonna have a teaser. So maybe the new league is not gonna start 16 july as i was guessing since that is the middle of july.
hack and slash , all the day :)

Proud beta member since patch 0.9.5!
Remove heist pls. Thx.
Counter argument, get rid of Ritual and keep Ultimatum... Ultimatum is a better version of Ritual.
i hope you don`t add ultimatum even at a later stage.
I'll be honest... this feels like you're punishing us for your screwups with Harvest and with making two "kill tons of mobs in circles" leagues back to back.

There were a lot of complaints about Ultimatum, but 99% of those complaints were either "it's too similar to Ritual" or "The Trialmaster never spawns".

Unless you're actually reversing course on mechanic bloat (which is NOT what this post says), there was no reason to not make Ultimatum core. It's already better than 70% of the leagues that *are* core. WTH?
The short answer is that we won't be making Ultimatum a core mechanic as part of our upcoming 3.15 expansion.

This one sparks joy

However, we do like its content and may bring it back at a later date. In order to do this, it would first need a few improvements.

This one does not
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