Will Ultimatum Become a Core Game Mechanic?

good job. too much lags at the end. ritual are better. i hope poe2 will get better performance, graphic without shadows, items droped from monsters can stack (orbs, scrolls, etc), less white and blue items, and bosses without mechanics like maven, shaper, sirus

We would want to improve the combat of Ultimatum encounters so that the experience is less overwhelming and more tactical. While we do like things to be challenging, we currently feel that there are too many monsters spawning within the tight space of the circle and too many things going on at once.

Well, shoot, if even GGG thinks that, I'm gladder than ever that I decided to progress my original Delve character this league...
Awakened Combustion Support when?
imagine everytime u start the game u have to add another thing to deal with another painfull process and useless thing! so sad to see thig game the way is turning! so sad. The game becoming more and more vague, more and more not fun! im sad :*(

Might as well remove Harvest too. Now it's just a frustrating reminder of how we had such a great league mechanic ever, and you ruined it irreparably.

It's now just a frustrating, unrewarding, cluttered mess.

It should not be referred to as "deterministic" crafting because it's not, it should be called "slightly less random" crafting.

And as you are hellbent on crafting not being a sensible option to acquire gear, please reconsider your irrational aversion to trade being at all pleasant to interact with.
i want to subscribe
Last edited by darkenergy0 on Jun 30, 2021, 4:27:15 AM
I don't know if "Overwhelming" is what I'd call it.

If anything, it was too easy with a decent build.

The main problem was trialmaster spawn rate. That was abysmal and honestly having to grind over 2k+ maps just to see him 5 times throughout the entire league, and then add in the conditionals when he dies in a few hits is insanity.


I hope ggg will add an ivisible effect mtx for fortify support. XD
Rulky wrote:
T_T Heist and Abyss core but no ultimatum? Sadge , also hype for 3.15 POG

This does not make any sense...
I like the sound of 'more tactical and less clutter'
Less loot is also nice if you compensate with better loot...
Replace Ritual with Ultimatum when you finish balancing Ultimatum.
jrv209 wrote:
Dr1MaR wrote:
League was bad. Nothing more but a bunch of monsters spawning, it's a mess

it's an issue with the entire game. I still chuckle about GGG saying they want to slow the game down and then they released delirium league like 2 weeks later. It just goes to show that those baeclast podcasts may seem genuine, but they are just fluff at the end of the day. GGG has backed themselves into a corner by catering so much to high dps, fast clearing playstyles. Ultimatum exacerbates this issue by throwing so many rares on your screen that you need to have at least 5-10 million dps that is almost screenwide if you don't want to get swamped and instakilled. I quit the league after rolling a tanky whispering ice scion that had 12K es and it just got folded like a chair in early red map ultimatums since the DPS wasn't insanely high and the ice storm has a delay making it basically unplayable for the league mechanic. That's just a shitty feeling. The meta is already so stale with the mana and slam stuff, but Ultimatum just further pigeon-holed you.

Hmm ... my build clears T16 ultimatums no problem at under 2m dps. I hit a decent area with cyclone but i don't have a ton of buffs to aoe so it's a quarter of the screen at best.

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